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You need to load thousand of entries at a time.

You need to improve your diet,instead of dandruff,you've got ice-cream sprinkles. 你应该改善伙食了,头上不应该有头屑的,应该是冰淇淋泡沫了.
You need to improve your diet. 你应该改善你的饮食。
You need to investigate Constable Hillers' disappearance. His presence is vital for maintaining stability right now. And you need to find - and stop - Merris. 你需要调查治安官赫勒的失踪,他的存在对于维持现在局势的稳定有重大意义。还有,你要找到——并且阻止——麦里斯。
You need to know if he cared about you, too, before you can move on one way or another. 在做任何决定之前,你必须也要确定他也是相当在乎你的。
You need to lighten up! 你需要放松一下。
You need to load thousand of entries at a time. 你很少的时间里需要装载上千的数据项。
You need to look for a lot of items in a sequence. 你需要在一个序列里寻找许多条目。
You need to look into new philosophies. 金牛座:本周金牛需要浏览一下新的哲学观了。
You need to make a memoir album of them with photos and memories. 你得做一个纪念专辑,放着他们的照片和点点滴滴。
You need to make a provision in your book for the value of that scrap. 你们需要在帐簿中为报废品的价值计提准备。
You need to map all members of a class, including inherited members, into a dictionary of class attribute names. 需要映射一个类的所有属性,包括继承的属性,到一个以类属性名称作为键的字典中。

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