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In the higher mathematics category, routine methods to work out the proof of an inequation are a flexible use of mathematical knowledge like monotonicity of functions, extremum values, maximum and minimum values, convexity function, medium value theorem,

In the heats he clocked one minute 0.60 seconds to slice 0.35 seconds from the world mark set by Hungary's Karoly Guttler, also in heats, in the 1993 European Championships in Sheffield, England. 在小组赛中,他游出了1分0秒60的成绩,将匈牙利选手卡罗里?古特勒1993年在英国谢菲尔德举行的欧洲锦标赛上,同样是在小组赛中创造的世界纪录减少了0.35秒。
In the heroic cycles the Druids do not appear to have formed any corporation, nor do they seem to have been exempt from military service. 在各种英雄人物时期的故事中,德伊鲁教看上去似乎并未形成任何社团,也没有免除服兵役。
In the high jump, athletes haye three chances to leap over a crossbar set between two upright poles 4m (13 ft.) apart. 在跳高项目中,运动员有三次机会可跳过放在相距4米的立柱上的横杆。
In the high risk areas of cancers, such as cervical, esophageal, gastric, liver and nasopharyngeal cancers,the secondary prevention could be carried out as more effective strategy for cancer prevention in China. 在宫颈、食管、胃、肝及鼻咽等肿瘤的高发现场,可将二级预防作为当前肿瘤控制的重要手段加以推行。
In the high-tech industries,especially,even the manipulative hand skills must be supplemented by creative and problem -solving skills. 尤其是在高技术产业,即使是手工操作技能也必须以创造力和解决问题的能力相辅助。
In the higher mathematics category, routine methods to work out the proof of an inequation are a flexible use of mathematical knowledge like monotonicity of functions, extremum values, maximum and minimum values, convexity function, medium value theorem, 摘要在高等数学範畴中,灵活运用函数的单调性、极值、最值、凸性函数、以及中值定理与泰勒公式、赫尔德不等式、施瓦兹不等式等数学知识,对不等式问题进行分析、构造与转化,是解决不等式的证明问题的常用方法。
In the highly complicated and busy life of today there are very few moments of silence and stillness. 在当今高度复杂和忙碌的生活里,很少有时间可以有片刻的安宁和沉静。
In the highway's heyday, Route 66 streamed with Dust Bowl fugitives, World War II supplies, hitchhiking GI's and post-war seekers of the California dream. 在高速公路大行其道的日子里,六十六号公路挤满了来自沙旋的逃难者、二战的补给品、搭便车的美国大兵和战后来寻找加州梦想的人。
In the hilum is a small yellow tan granuloma in a hilar lymph node next to a bronchus. 在肺门淋巴结靠近支气管处有一个小块黄褐色肉芽肿。
In the hinterland of Eurasia, there is a place named “Xinjiang”, its full name is “Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region”, located in northwest border of China, it is the key transport junction on ancient Silk Road. 在亚欧大陆腹地,有个地方名字叫“新疆”,它的全称叫“新疆维吾尔自治区”,它位于中国西北边陲,是古丝绸之路上的重要交通枢纽。
In the hippocampus, an area thought to be involved in spatial learning, new nerve cells can be born in an adult and hormones influence their birth and survival. 在海马体中——一个被认为是与空间感知有关的区域——在成年时仍可以产生神经细胞,而这些细胞的产生和存活受激素的影响。

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