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Try not to use up all the flour.

Try not to make waves. 尽量不要起什么波澜。
Try not to pass your mistake to others. 不要把自己的错误强加给别人。
Try not to run any more programs. (尽可能不要运行多个程序。)
Try not to trip over yourself as you continue your dreary way, aye? 在你未来的旅途上,请小心别跌跤了,诶?
Try not to use emotional blackmail; it will only make matters worse. 金牛座:试着不要拿感情作为资本,那只能让事情变得更糟。
Try not to use up all the flour. 尽量别用光所有的面粉。
Try not to worry about the fact that your repository contains a full history of the error. 不要担心你的库中包含了整个失误的历史。
Try on excavating and explain these characteristic in this text, so that the diet culture intension in the Shanxi can be understood for common people more deeply. 本文试对这些特徵给予挖掘和阐释,以使山西面食文化内涵能更多地为世人了解。
Try on the shoes before you buy them. 买鞋要先穿上试试再买.
Try on this jacket and see if it fits you. 试试这件茄克,看看是否合身。
Try one every day of the week, focus on one at a time, do whatever you like with them—but do take them all to heart. 每天尝试一种。一次将注意力中在一种上面。随便挑一种来进行--但是一定要将它们都牢记在心。

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