Goodman Brown, a Puritan who lives in the village of Salem, leaves his wife Faith, who pleads him not to go, to attend a witches' Sabbath in the woods.
好小伙子布朗住在塞勒姆镇,是一个清教徒,他不顾妻子费思的再三劝阻,离家到森林里去参加一个巫师的安息日,令他震惊的是,他到那里时发现镇上和教堂里许多有名望的人物都在场。 |
Goodman, N. The New Riddle of Induction.Chap. 3 in Fact, Fiction, and Forecast. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1955.
顾德曼,〈归纳法的新谜团〉,于《事实,虚构与预报》第三章。麻省剑桥哈佛大学出版社,1955年。 |
Goodness is simple, badness manifold.
善良单纯;邪恶复杂。 |
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
善良是惟一不会失败的投资。 |
Goodness!Now I see what you're talking about.It seems that there is a big waste pipe coming down from the town.
朱先生,你有看见海吗?当然,我看见了!它在我们周围!不!我意思是,后面如何翻译? |
Goodness, remembrance, and love have no end.
美德、纪念和爱将永不停息。 |
Goodness, where did you get that idea from ?
天哪,你那个想法是从哪里来的? |
Goodness, you look blue! Come in by the fire and get warm.
天啊,你都冻得发紫了!进来在火边暖暖身子。 |
Goods and service journeys thus fan out from source to destination, spreading by subdivision.
为此,货物和流动服务从某出发地到目的地呈扇形展开,通过分支的方式扩散开去。 |
Goods are theirs who enjoy them.
爱物者有物用. |
Goods brought in from abroad as personal effects by either travelers or crewmembers for personal use, whosequantity does not exceed the limitation prescribed by the government.
四旅客自国外随身携带之自用菸酒或调岸船员携带自用菸酒,未超过政府规定之限量者。 |