While in Kosovo last year, Markesteyn received funding for expenses from both CIDA and The Rotary Foundation (his sponsor district was 5550, Manitoba and parts of Ontario and Saskatchewan, and his host district was 2480, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic
去年在科索沃期间,马克斯坦同时获得加拿大国际发展署与扶轮基金会的赞助(他的赞助地区是第5550地区,包含曼尼托巴省以及安大略省、萨克奇万省的部份地区,接待他的是第2480地区,包括保加利亚、前南斯拉夫共和国马其顿、南斯拉夫联邦共和国、以及希腊的一部份。 |
While in Kuala Lumpur last week, Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao told journalists it was not true that he was an enigmatic figure.
中国国家副主席(2002.04.30)上周访问吉隆坡时告诉记者他并不是个神秘人物。 |
While in Taipei she stayed at a four star hotel.
她在台北逗留期间住在一家四星级旅馆。 |
While in Vienna he studied music.
他在维也纳时学习音乐。 |
While in all probability there actually existed a great sage and educator by the name of Hermes, it is impossible to extricate the historical man from the mass of legendary accounts which attempt to identify him with the Cosmic Principle of Thought.
在一切的可能性里面,居然还存在着一个名叫赫密士的伟大圣哲和教育家,不可能从一大堆神话中把一个历史上的人物释放出来,企图去把他看成与宇宙的思想法则一样。 |
While in cockpit view, press the LMB and move the mouse forward/back to adjust seat forward/back.
在驾驶舱视角中,点击鼠标左键并前后移动鼠标来调整座位的前后。 |
While in cockpit view, press the RMB and move the mouse forward/back to adjust seat up/down.
在驾驶舱视角中,点击鼠标右键并前后移动鼠标来调整座位的上下高度。 |
While in diastole, there were (1) antegrade in the transverse aorta, and retrograde in the ascending aorta and descending aorta (below FDA), and (2) left-to-right shunt in the FDA.
结果发现:在收缩期时,在升、降主动脉是顺向(前进)血流,在横主动脉是逆向血流,在动脉导管是右至左分流。 |
While in his teens, he had to take a job as a janitor when his father lost his job and he had to juggle both school and work.
十几岁时,父亲失去工作,他不得不找了份看门的差事并对学校和工作地都做了隐瞒。 |
While in middle school, we shared a bedroom.
上中学时我们同住一室。 |
While in our employ, his overall performance was outstanding. He demonstrated a fairly high level of competence in his work, and worked extremely well with people.
在本公司服务期间,他的工作表现相当出色。其工作能力非常好,并且在人际关系上也极有协调能力。 |