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He received craniotomy for partial resection of the tumor and the nature of the tumor was proved to be germinoma, histologically.

He received a twelfth of the money. 他得到了这笔钱中的十二分之一。
He received an abundant of possession when his father died, which had devoured in a few years. 父亲去世时他得到一大笔财产,可仅仅几年的时间就将这笔钱胡乱挥霍一空。
He received an affectionate gift from his brother before Christmas. 圣诞节前,他收到一份他哥哥寄的充满挚爱的礼物.
He received an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters. 他刚获得了人文主义文学名誉博士学位。
He received conservative therapy, including activity restriction and pain relief. 病患接受保守疗法治疗,包括限制活动及止痛。
He received craniotomy for partial resection of the tumor and the nature of the tumor was proved to be germinoma, histologically. 经病理报告实为颅内胚细胞后,施以剂量全脑放射线治疗,并于原病灶以三维空间顺形放射线治疗方式补强剂量。
He received five dollars in consideration of his age . 考虑到他的年龄,他收下了5元钱。
He received generous remuneration for his services. 他因服务而得到优厚的报酬。
He received gentamicin and salicylate showed minor hearing impairment. 他接受庆大霉素和水杨酸盐治疗,发生轻度听力损害。
He received his PhD from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 1997年毕业于社会科学院研究生院,获博士学位。
He received his appointment as Foreign Minister. 他接到出任外交部长的派任。

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