Most of its influential factors come from various aspects.
其生成因素来自多方面。 |
Most of motor vehicles run on petrol.
大部分机动车的行驶以汽油作燃料。 |
Most of my contemporaries are dead and gone, but I suppose that's what happens when you are in your eighties.
我的同龄人大部分早已去世,不过我想人活到80岁时就会发生那么一回事。 |
Most of my experience has been behind the scenes, doing the calculations.
我的大部分经验都是幕后做一些计算方面的工作。 |
Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless, except for the one who blurted out, How could anyone stoop so low?
我和其她大部女招待都没敢吱声,但有人却蹦出一句话:“哪有人能弯腰弯那么低的啊”! |
Most of my friends would say I have an easy-going personality.
本人在加拿大蒙特利尔工作。 |
Most of my money was made on long term views...meaning - look at the economics and decide what interest rates are going to do in the next 6 months...trade in that direction and MAKE SURE you add to a winner on all retracements so that when you are right y
我赚的绝大部分钱是赚在对长期趋势的看法上…我的意思是说,看看经济数据,判断下面6个月利率的升降的可能方向,确保你在每个回调的时候都增加仓位这样在你对的时候你加了最大的仓位。 |
Most of my students did very well in the examinations, notably Nina Lee.
我的学生大部分都考得很好,尤其是李妮娜。 |
Most of non-music majors in Changjiang Normal College come from the countryside whose music foundation is comparatively poor influenced by sorts of factors, which leads to a certain difficulties in music appreciation teaching.
长江师范学院非音乐专业学生,绝大部分都来自农村,他们由于受各种因素的影响,音乐基础较差,这一问题给音乐欣赏教学工作带来了一定的困难。 |
Most of orphans have no chance to get education, and also, they have to endure heavy housework or field work.
大多数孤儿不仅没有机会接受基本教育,而且还不得不承担繁重的家务或者田间劳动。 |
Most of other domestic companis adopt the ingredient and technics of 1970s which is outdated to produce adhesive, and such a product cannot be perfect However we keep up with the development of adhesive , and adopt the technology of 1990s, update our ingr
国内大多数同类工厂采用的都是国际七十年代左右的产品配方与工艺,技术落后,产品存在不同程度的缺点,我厂采用国际九十年代末的生产技术,生产工艺与配方及时更新,年产量超过300吨,具备独立研制新产品及胶种开发能力,可以满足客户的不同需求,达到“度身定做”。 |