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Aiming to rank among the first-rate enterprises in the world,Deren Group has been ready to meet the coming challenge and scale new height by creating new business opportunity, and stride forward with a new image of a multi-direetional integrated enterpris

Aiming at weakness of the former excitation system of ball-mill machine synchronous motor in mill run factory, succeeds in digitization reconstruction for the excitation system by applying advanced Siemens 6RA70 rectifier, S7-300 PLC and PROFIBUS-DP field 摘要针对选矿厂球磨机同步电机原励磁系统的缺点,运用西门子6RA70整流器、S7~300PLC及PROFIBUS-DP现场总线技术对励磁系统进行了数字化改造,构建了车间自动化网络,取得了良好的技术和经济效益。
Aiming for the problems discovered in highway bridge checking and maintaining, the paper analyzed some reasons existed, and expounded corresponding transforming measures, i. e., regular checking for precaution; strengthening old bridge elbow for proper ch 摘要针对公路桥梁的病害,分析了桥梁设计、施工、养护中存在的问题,找出了其存在的原因,提出了有针对性的改造的措施,即定期检查,预防为主;加固旧桥时,应对旧桥桥梁结构进行恰当的检测评定;旧桥改造和加固的施工单位一定要技术过硬。
Aiming to create a more relaxed experience in an upscale atmosphere, McDonald's is replacing bolted-down plastic yellow-and-white furniture with lime-green designer chairs and dark leather upholstery. 为了创造身处高档气氛下的更悠闲体验,麦当劳公司正把各分店里螺丝装配的黄白两色塑胶家具汰换,改用莱姆绿的设计师品牌椅子和深色皮椅套。
Aiming to offer reference for the basketball team training and also the match, the article studies and analyzes on the mental factors which influence the hit rate and puts forward the adjusting methods in view of this. 本文对影响投篮命中率的心理因素进行了探讨和分析,有针对性地提出了调控方法,为运动队的训练和比赛提供一点参考。
Aiming to provide theoretical reference that can be made use of for the community police service, the article would discuss from following three aspects, service object, ,method and art. 文章从城市社区民警协调工作的对象、方式以及艺术三个方面进行了论述,旨在为社区警务工作提供可资借鉴的理论参考。
Aiming to rank among the first-rate enterprises in the world,Deren Group has been ready to meet the coming challenge and scale new height by creating new business opportunity, and stride forward with a new image of a multi-direetional integrated enterpris 为了实现跻身为世界一流企业的目标,德仁集团已经做好通过创造新的商业机会,来迎接新的挑战和攀登新的高峰的准备,正朝着全方位经营的一体化公司阔步向前迈进,勿庸置疑,德仁集团作为中国一流的大型企业集团,将为用户提供全面的一体化服务和最优质的产品。
Aiming to realize the automation of quality control activity and quality data processing, a new closed loop quality system model is proposed in this paper. 在质量异常情况时,除报警外也可根据质量模型诊断并定位产生质量变异的工序,针对该工序调整已经预估的工序质量水平,反馈给在线质量计划部分调整检验计划将重。
Aiming to software design of process analyzing apparatus, using the design philosophy of platform with framework as large-grained software reuse unit and components as small-grained software reuse units, the model of software reuse in SCM is introduced an 摘要软件复用是解决软件危机的有效途径,围绕气体分析仪表软件系统的设计,采用软件平台思想(大粒度框架复用和小粒度构件复用)开发了过程分析仪器的软件生成平台,用于生成其监控软件。
Aimless, day-to-day management, busy inertia, preoccupied drift, and high-minded indecision mark too many presidencies,because incumbents set no goals! 由于没有规定具体的职责目标,而薪水早就定好了会上涨,所以许多首脑们(校长?总统?)整日间忙忙碌碌却又漫无目的,一副高高在上的官僚相!
Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. 战后日本的生产率和社会的和谐为美国和欧洲所称羡,因此漫无目标根本就算不上是战后日本的特色。
Aims and objectives of the German Department are, on the one hand, to provide the society with active and independent personalities with German language skills, on the other hand, courses also focus on specialized knowledge about German literature and lin 本系特色在鼓励学生放弃因升学主义而有的被动学习度,积极培养学生独立思考的能力,一方面为社会训练专业德文人才,另一方面也传授德国文学,语言学的专业知识。

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