The Maputo stock exchange in Mozambique was set up in 1998 with the help of the Lisbon stock exchange.
莫桑比克马普托证券交易所是在里斯本证券交易所的帮助下于1998年成立的。 |
The MarCom Coordinator will follow up with confirmation of attendance 4 days prior to the Press Conference.
公关部助理在举行午餐会4天前确认媒体工作人员参加人数。 |
The MarCom Manager will be equipped with basic information of the media prior to the call.
公关部经理在会见媒体人士之前须对该媒体的基本情况有所了解。 |
The Marathon had sixty entries.
报名参加马拉松赛的共有六十名。 |
The March figure for output value registered a 37 per cent increase over February.
三月份的产值比二月份增长百分之三十七。 |
The March wind chilled us.
三月的风使我们感到十分寒冷. |
The Marias from the Earth Mother shall assist.
地球母亲的玛丽天使们会帮助你。 |
The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions.
由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。 |
The Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.
海军陆战队通常在最艰难的情况下,仍要勇敢前进。 |
The Marine Mammal Center again picked him up and released him in the Farallons, 27 miles from San Francisco.
海洋哺乳动物中心人员只好再把他救起,载到距旧金山27英里的法拉隆岛上放生。 |
The Marine placed on the bed the lifeless hand he had been holding, and went to tell the nurse.
但他都没有注意医院里夜间各种声音:氧气瓶的铿锵声,夜间值班人员打招呼地笑声,其他病人的叫声,呻吟声及鼾声等。 |