War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder.
密谋、欺诈和谋杀已经把一场战争摆到了我们面前。 |
War has left its mark on the country.
战争给该国留下了不可磨灭的痕迹. |
War has left three million Congolese dead and millio more starving, while conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have swelled their ranks of malnourished, says de Haen.
战争已经造成300万刚果人死亡,更多的人处于饥饿状态。伊拉克和阿富汗长期的战争也让两国的饥荒人口直线上升。 |
War has left three million Congolese dead and millions more starving, while conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have swelled their ranks of malnourished, says de Haen.
在与外界几乎没有联系的朝鲜,甚至有了人吃人的报道,人们有时靠吃树枝和树皮为生。 |
War is a dangerous game, my lord. As you are finding out.
就像你发现的一样,战争是个危险的游戏。 |
War is a frightful calamity.
战争是可怕的灾难。 |
War is a real probability in the world today.
在今天的世界上,战争是确实可能发生的事。 |
War is death's feast.
战争是死亡的筵席。 |
War is like love, it always finds a way.
战争宛如爱情,总能找到出路。仿佛是人生的生本能和死本能,无论文明如何压抑,总会破壳而出。 |
War is mass murder.
战争是一场大屠杀。 |
War is nasty business, as you shall see.
战争是肮脏的勾当,就像你将要看到的那样。 |