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This is the space of SQL develop and the terrace of net communicate technology,welcome!

This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. 这正是杰里米喜欢做的事情。
This is the soul human known as the Christ, or the anointed oneas described in the Bible. 这个灵魂就是人们熟知的圣经中描述的“基督”或者“圣人”。
This is the soul mate you seek - who is the other aspect of who you are - the feeling of being whole and complete - one with the universe - you are the universe in this experience. 这是你寻找的灵魂伴侣-灵魂伴侣是你是谁的另一个面-是全部和完成的感觉-一个人同宇宙-在这个体验中你就是宇宙。
This is the soup you ordered. 这是您点的汤。
This is the source of the difference between the scientific style and the humanistic style. 但是在实践的意义上认识的这种二重性终将得到统一。
This is the space of SQL develop and the terrace of net communicate technology,welcome! 这里是数据库开发的交流空间,这里是网络通信技术的平台,欢迎光临!
This is the space shuttle Atlantis getting a piggyback ride on a modified Boeing 747. 亚特兰蒂斯号在一架改良过的波音747飞机上面。
This is the space shuttle Atlantis getting on a piggyback ride on a modified Boeing 747. 航天飞机正骑在一架改装后的波音737背上(飞行)。
This is the sport of the earth's crust before millions of years causes. 这是几百万年前的地壳运动造成的。
This is the spot where the two trucks collided. 这儿就是两辆卡车相撞的地点。
This is the standard textbook on the subject. 这是这一科的权威性课本.

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