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If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.

If this option is checked, bookmarks are associated with the workspace used to create them, even if the files they are in are not part of the workspace. 如果勾选此项,书签仅能在创建他们的工作空间中有效,即使它们所在的文件并不是工作空间的一部分。
If this option is off, then your character will stand and do nothing, until you right click on the force and select the option to “Attack”. 如果这个方案是客,那么你的性格会做,直到你的右点击及选择以武力攻击.
If this option is unavailable please contact DXSupport to have the State, Region or Province added. 如果你的地点没有列举,你能够通过选择‘增加一个新的州,地区或城市’来增加到列表中。
If this order is satisfactorily filled, we will place large orders with you. 如果这次订购令我方满意,我方将会向贵公司下更大的订单。
If this plays out as a gulf hurricane there is speculative energy galore to go along with it. 如果这演奏因为那里海湾飓风是投机的能量丰盛去与它一起。
If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar. 如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。
If this procedure is used with a comparator-based instrument, the comparators of the counter must be adjusted accurately beforehand. 如果在基于比较器设计的仪器上进行电子校正,比较器要事先精确的调整。
If this process indicates that you do not understand your own answer, you may/will loose up to all the credit for the entire problem set, depending on how severe the situation is. 如果这个过程显示你并不理解你自己的答案,你可能将会丢掉最多整个问题集的分数,这将视问题有多严重而定。
If this process is unilateral, then the problem originates from the ureteral orifice up to the pelvis. 如果病变是单侧的,原因可能是从肾盂到输尿管口的病变。
If this process manufactures large organic molecules from simple inorganic chemicals throughout the earth's hydrothermal zones today, then it very likely did so in the planet's prebiological past. 要是在今天各地的深海热泉中,简单的无机分子也可以透过这个反应来形成大型有机分子,那麽在地球出现生物之前,这种反应也一样可以发生。
If this process were bilateral, then the problem would originate in the bladder trigone or urethra (or the prostate around the urethra) or some process (such as a large neoplasm) that could impinge on both ureters. 如果病变是双侧的,原因可能是膀胱三角或尿道前列腺部的病变;或是其它能侵犯两侧输尿管的病变(如大的肿瘤块)。

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