ATO Shanghai is a trade assistance and promotion office under the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agricultural (USDA).
上海美国农业贸易处是美国农业部对外农业服务局(FAS)属下的一个贸易协助和贸易促进办事处。 |
ATOFINA/ARKEMA is a brand-new chemical company created by the TOTAL Group focused on vinyl products, industrial chemicals and performance products, which will become a public company listed on the Stock Exchange in 2006.
阿托菲纳/(现将更名为阿科玛)是由道达尔集团为关注乙烯基产品、工业化学品及特殊化工品业务而新成立的一个全新的化学集团公司,将于2006年成为上市公司。 |
ATOM-IX-950 is a balanced compound of organic dispersant,stabilizing and emulsifying agents and a highly effective combustion improving catalyst in a pure hydrocarbon solvent .
950是纯以碳氢化合物添加有机分散剂、稳定剂、乳化剂及高效燃料催化剂等,均匀调制而成。 |
ATOR, COD(Contract Order Data), SEB(Standard Equipment) , ODS(Electronic Order Data Sheet), STD Drawing and Material List, Cost Evaluation Model, PP3(Submit Passport 3).
熟悉产品开发整个过程:项目计划建立,销售规格书制定,标准产品设备手册,电子订货单,标准产品图纸和物料表,成本模型的建立,项目发布提交。 |
ATP released from an axon was indeed triggering calcium influx into Schwann cells.
从轴突释出的ATP的确引发了钙离子流入许旺氏细胞。 |
ATTACh claims to have about 600 members.
尽管如此,AT依旧盛行。 |
ATTENDANCE - Attendance and punctuality are an important part of learning. For chronic tardiness or cuts, parents will be contacted and referrals sent.
出勤:准时上课是非常重要的。假如经常迟到和缺课,我会联络家长而且会要求教务处和顾问办公室帮助你。 |
ATTENDANT: I'm sorry, sir. This is not a full service gas station.
加油站服务员:既然你没弄过,那我先帮你好了。 |
ATTENTION :please read the instruction for safe use.
注意,请参阅说明书后安全使用。 |
ATTENTION:please refer to instruction for security .
注意,请参阅说明书后安全使用。 |
ATTENTION: do not set up this product or make any electrical or cabling connections, such as the power supply cord, during a lightning storm.
请不要在雷雨天气时安装此产品,或者进行任何的电线/电缆连接(例如电源线)。 |