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With an introduction of the Turn-Key Contractingof Siemens AG in urban rail construction, the author analyses the characteristics, the advantages of the mode and the main effect possibly produced on providers &managers.

With an increase in the surface area of the carbon filter and more activated carbon, the AWTS can remove more contaminants and increase the filtering capacity to 4,700 litres. 全新专利活性碳滤心含更多的活性碳,经压缩处理的高密度碳粒扩大可过滤的面积,可去除更多污染物,净水量比前多达倍半以上,有效过滤4,700公升净水,足够为一家七口全年供应高品质食水需要。
With an increasing quantity of goods sold through internet-based auctions (one seller, many buyers) or reverse auctions (one buyer, many sellers), pricing would become much more efficient. 随着越来越多的商品以互联网拍卖(单一卖方、多家买方)或反向拍卖(单一买方、多家卖方)的形式出售,定价效率将显著提高。
With an inter-city direct bus system in place, the hotel has very easy access to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other major cities. 地理位置优越,广深、广惠高速公路近在咫尺,豪华直通巴士穿梭往返于广州、深圳、香港及各大城市之间,交通十分便利。
With an introduction of cable laying and the environment for the cable, this paper classifies the cable faults recorded on the historic statistics, holds that the armored cable and the on-line detection method shall be adopted, professional evaluation sys 介绍了上海地铁直流电缆的敷设方式和环境,在统计历史故障的基础上对直流电缆故障进行了分类,提出了在新线建设和改造项目中,尽可能采用带铠装的软电缆;通过在线检测手段,建立专家评估系统,评定绝缘的优劣并预警其劣化的趋势;改进直流电缆敷设质量,改善其运行环境等措施和建议。
With an introduction of several operating patterns in the process of care and maintenance of subway signal system, this paper analyzes the security, risk and economic features of each pattern through a qualitetive method, combines the present market situa 摘要介绍了在地铁信号系统的维护保养过程中,可以采用的几种维保方式,并以定性的方式分别从安全性、风险性和经济性角度对其进行了分析,同时结合国内地铁信号系统维保市场的现状及发展提出了一些想法。
With an introduction of the Turn-Key Contractingof Siemens AG in urban rail construction, the author analyses the characteristics, the advantages of the mode and the main effect possibly produced on providers &managers. 摘要介绍了德国西门子公司应用于轨道交通建设中的“交钥匙合同”方式的特点、优越性以及由此产生的结果对提供者和管理者的影响。
With an introduction of the basic structure of rigid suspension overhead contact system, this paper discusses the basic methods and requirements in construction measure, the converge-wires installation, and the contact wires inlay, as well as the matters 摘要介绍了刚性悬挂接触网的基本结构和在施工中的工程测量、汇流排安装、接触线镶入的基本方法和要求,以及工程中的注意事项。
With an introduction of the causation and solution to the height difference between double contact wires in auto-tensioned simple catenary system adopted by Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Pearl Line, the author presents some practical measures which are to b 摘要介绍上海市轨道交通明珠线接触网工程双承力索、双接触线全补偿简单链形悬挂方式中,双接触线不等高形成的原因及解决方案。
With an introduction of the content and function of the reports in metro transportation system, the author goes further and expatiates on how to use the operational data to construct a report database in order to improve the function of report query. 摘要介绍了地铁行车报表应包含的内容及功能,阐述如何利用地铁的行车数据来建立数据库报表,以改进和完善地铁报表查询功能。
With an introduction of the design method of vehicle air conditioning system, the selection standard, the calculation samples for interior and exterior air parameter of a vehicle in keeping with the characteristics of urban rail transit, the author discus 摘要通过对城市轨道交通运输特点的介绍,提出了一些可供其车辆空调系统参考的设计方法,以及车内外夏季空气参数的选取依据及计算实例,讨论了车辆空调系统的空调机组及通风系统的要求和特点。
With an introduction of the main technical standards of Tehran Metro Line 4, this paper states, from the designer's view, the importance of the technical strategy on tender in regarding to technical cooperation, organizational structure and technical sche 摘要介绍了德黑兰地铁4号线的主要技术标准,从设计的角度通过投标技术协作体、组织构架和技术方案等方面论述了投标技术策划的重要性,并就总承包工程实施前期及过程中的设计计划提出设想。

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