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I'm still in Seoul, by the way.

I'm still a little dubious about trusting him. 我对于信任他仍然感到有些存疑。
I'm still around,homless and penniless.I'm a cheerful hypocrite,but not a crook. 我仍然悠哉悠哉的,无家可归、身无分文。我是一个快乐的伪君子,但不是个骗子。
I'm still dubious about that plan. 我对那个计划仍然存疑。
I'm still due fifteen days' holiday. 我还应有十五天假期.
I'm still hesitating. I have to make a decision before the end of this month. What would you do in my position? 我还在犹豫,这个月底之前我得做出决定。你处在我的处境会怎么办?
I'm still in Seoul, by the way. 顺便说一下,我还呆在汉城。
I'm still in awe of his subtlety and high level of sensitivity, which seemed to alert him to my presence long before I was aware of him. 我仍然敬畏他的轻巧和高度的敏感度,提醒他似乎在我能够察觉他之先,他就很早的已经知道我的行踪了。
I'm still in touch with his old friends. 我仍然和他的老朋友保持联系。
I'm still making the final arrangements. 我现在还在做最后的安排。
I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection ! 我还在学习,别指望我十全十美!
I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection! 我还在学习, 别指望我十全十美!

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