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But the Esperanto fellowship, with 52 members in 18 countries on 6 continents, remains committed to Esperanto as a fair, neutral, easy-for-all-to-learnmedium of world communication.

But the Democrats, smartly, are willing to choreograph a reconcilation in order to make sure that Mr Bush is left responsible for the mess in Iraq, not them. 精明的民主党参议员们乐于精心策划这样一场和解,以确保是布什总统,而不是美国,对伊拉克的混乱局势承担责任。
But the Dutch development was greeted with undisguised relief by South Limburg planners because of Holland's chronic shortage of land. 但是荷兰发展接受南方林计划公开的救济因为荷兰持续的土地缺乏。
But the EU's proposed directive does not leave the field entirely unfenced. 但欧盟的提案并未将这一领域门户大开。
But the Egyptians mistreated us and made us suffer, putting us to hard labor. 6埃及人恶待我们,苦害我们,将苦工加在我们身上。
But the Emperor has nothing on! 可是皇帝什么也没穿呀!
But the Esperanto fellowship, with 52 members in 18 countries on 6 continents, remains committed to Esperanto as a fair, neutral, easy-for-all-to-learnmedium of world communication. 可是世界语联谊会—拥有6洲18国的52名会员—依然把世界语当作「公平、中立、易学的」世界沟通工具。
But the European Central Bank held rates steady. 但是欧洲中央银行保持利率稳定。
But the European Commission has been trying to remedy these mistakes. 但是欧盟委员会正在试图矫正这些错误。
But the Food Court above the casino had a nice variety for a quick bite. 但是赌场上面的美食城有种类繁多的快餐小吃可任君选择。
But the Foundation's financial support is only part of the equation. 但是支持扶轮基金会的财务仅是其中的一部份。
But the French had cause for celebration this summer when the nostalgic movie Amelietook more at the French box office than Pearl Harbourand The Mummy Returns. 今年夏天,法国怀旧影片《艾米丽》在其本土的票房成绩超过了好莱坞大片《珍珠港》和《木乃伊Ⅱ》,这可值得法国好好庆祝一番。

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