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Direct exchange of Internet securities which indicates the future orientation of securities transaction can reduce the cost and improve the efficiency remarkably.

Direct deposit is used for payroll, travel, and expense reimbursements, annuities and pensions, dividends, and government payments such as social security and veterans benefits. 直接储蓄使用于支付薪金、差旅费、杂费清付、养老金和抚恤金、派息、及政府机构支付,例如社会保险和长者福利。
Direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree. 家系从一个祖先传下来的直接世系;家系或家族
Direct design, development and improvement design for the organization products. 直接设计、开发产品,并改进产品的设计。
Direct drive to the rolls with heavy-duty helical bevel gears where the output shaft is directly coupled to the roll shaft. 高坚固的螺旋斜线轴承直接驱动辊筒。输出轴直接连接辊轴,中间没有任何传动消耗。
Direct efforts from the Dutch were at this stage something of a rarity, so when Phillip Cocu shot narrowly wide from 20 yards it served as a wake-up call to everyone that they were not here just to defend. 第69分钟:赛场上荷兰人有成效的努力少得可怜,因此当菲力浦·科库的29码处射门稍稍偏出时,这唤醒了每个人——他们来这里不仅仅是为了防守的。
Direct exchange of Internet securities which indicates the future orientation of securities transaction can reduce the cost and improve the efficiency remarkably. 摘要网上证券直接交易能显著降低交易成本、提高交易效率,发展前景十分广阔。
Direct foreign investment in Angolan increased by almost US$2 million in 2004, to US$13.45 billion, the bank said. 2004年在安哥拉的直接外国投资增长了近20亿美元,总计134.5亿美元。
Direct inspector to inspect products. 指导检验员检验产品。
Direct invitation: Based on accumulated and added clients in previous exposition, orderly organization of purchase and visit will be made directly through telephone, fax, mail and invitation to the doorstep. 直接邀请:利用往届会议积累及新增的参观客户信息,直接采用电话、传真、致函及上门邀请组团参观等方式有序的组织人员前来采购、参观。
Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue. 以直达式喉镜发现声门狭窄与广泛性溃疡坏死组识。
Direct mail can spur people to vote, if they already agree with its message. 如果他们认同信件提供的信息,那么直接信件可以促使民众投票。

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