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Member firms also have expertise in many industries around the world, offering you a global perspective from professionals who understand your business.

Member 1: We can't trust the Sword of a Thousand Truths to a newb! 会员1:我们怎麽能把一千个真相之剑交给一个新手!
Member Benefits are subject to change without notice. Offers cannot combine with other promotions or discount. 会员优惠可随时更改而不作另行通知,不得与其他折扣同时使用。
Member States attach fundamental importance to such legitimacy and to the international rule of law. 会员国认为这种合法性和国际法治具有根本的重要性。
Member companies' products include remanufactured hardwood blanks and components, flooring, staircases, mouldings, and pre-coated Spruce exterior siding. 会员厂商之产品如下:回收再制的胚料和部件、地板材、(木制)楼梯、线脚条、及预涂底漆的外墙云杉板壁。
Member fee/Application Form/Copy Of IC, Please send back to Application address! 所有会员费/表格/身份证复印,请寄到规定地址!
Member firms also have expertise in many industries around the world, offering you a global perspective from professionals who understand your business. 我们的会员所拥有多个行业遍布世界各地的当地专才,为阁下提供具环球视野的专业意见。
Member must answer for the activity and safety for the guest that you lead to. And you must answer for all of the damnify that your guest made. 会员需对所带客人的行为及安全负责,并对其造成的损失负全部责任。
Member of ASHRAE Committee, Director of Clean Room Technology Committee, Director of Shanghai Tech Information Exchange Net, Member of Shanghai Refrigeration of Association, Heat Pump Major. 现任ASHRAE协会高级会员;上海市电子学会洁净技术委员会理事;上海市技术信息交流网理事;上海制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会委员。
Member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC, deputy prime minister of State Department, team leader of urban settelment basic medicare insurance department Wu Yi attent the meeting and delivered a speech. 中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、国务院城镇居民基本医疗保险部际联席会议组长吴仪出席会议并讲话。
Member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC, president of CPPCC Jia Qing-lin attent the meeting and met with the responsible man of China Catholicism patriotic parliament and China Catholicism episcopature, greeting his warm congradulat 中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林出席大会幷会见了中国天主教爱国会、中国天主教主教团负责人,向大会表示热烈祝贺,向各位代表和全国天主教界的朋友们表示问候。
Member of the legislature vote against the proposal. 立法机关成员投票反对此建议。

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