The Japanese hang straw rope across the front of their houses to keep out evil spirits and bring happiness and good luck.
例如,日本人喜欢把稻草绳挂在房子前面,据说可以驱邪避鬼,带来好运。 |
The Japanese have a longer life expectancy than any other people, for their diet is extremely healthful.
与其他任何民族相比,日本人的预期寿命最长,因为他们饮食习惯是极其有益于健康有. |
The Japanese have a word, aware, for the feelings that arise from the poignant beauty of an ephemeral thing.
日本人用“哀”这个字来形容美丽却短暂易逝的事物给人的感受。 |
The Japanese hold the chrysanthemum as a symbol of the sun.
日本人认为菊花象征着太阳。 |
The Japanese international has failed to impress at the Stadio Franchi and will move on before the start of the season.
中田英寿没有打动普莱德利,所以将在意甲开赛前被卖掉。 |
The Japanese journal of Clinical Oncology is one of many publications that prints important cancer research information.
日本《临床肿瘤学》期刊是许多刊登重要癌症研究信息的重要刊物之一。 |
The Japanese leader created controversy last week when he said there is no evidence that women were coerced into sexual servitude during the war.
安倍晋三还说,没有证据显示这些妇女被迫在战争期间提供性服务。他的这番话引起了争议。 |
The Japanese moved into Indonesia and Burma.
日本人进入了印度尼西亚和缅甸。 |
The Japanese novelist, Akutagawa-ryunosuke, carefully extracted from the classical works konjakumonogatari collectio and created a series of hideous and absurdhistorical novels.
摘要日本作家芥川龙之介从古典著作《今昔物语》中精选提炼,创作出一系列描写“丑恶怪诞”的历史小说。 |
The Japanese officials say the three countries will be exploring possible scenarios involving North Korean ballistic missile attacks and Chinese missiles that could reach Australia or the U.S. territory of Guam.
日本官员说,三国将对未来可能出现的事态进行探讨,例如北韩有可能进行的弹道导弹袭击以及中国的导弹射程有可能到达澳大利亚和美国领地关岛等情形。 |
The Japanese pick the most efficient product in a particular market and let it set the specs that everyone else will have to live up to in a few years, at which point the goal posts will be moved again.
日本人在一个特定的市场上挑选了最有效率的产品,并让它成为今后几年所有其他人必须赖以生存的规范,而在几年后这个目标规范将会再次改动。 |