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My sincere thanks for your timely and generous assistance and I hope I can reciprocate some day.

My shows usually incorporate dance and fire retention displays, but may also involve singing, acting, traditional burlesque, and comedy. 我的演出经常是群舞和充满热情的展示,但也可能参加唱歌,演戏,传统的滑稽表演和喜剧表演。
My sight searches for her as though to go to her. 我用目光搜寻她,像要向她靠边。
My sincere benediction represents my singleness of heart :May the finest in the world always accompany you . 一份真挚的祝福,代表一颗赤诚的心,原世上最美好的一切永远属于你。
My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours. 值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的;况贺。
My sincere hope and effort now is that by the time GA will sit around meeting table, they could have common ground, and be successful in their decision. 我现在诚挚的希望和努力是,到GA召开会议之时,他们能够已经达成共识了,因而可以在讨论中取得圆满成果。
My sincere thanks for your timely and generous assistance and I hope I can reciprocate some day. 你及时、慷慨的相助,令我感激万分,希望将来能够报答。
My singing voice isn't that good. 我的嗓音不怎么好。
My sins are yours, they're not mine. 原罪是你的,它们不属于我。
My sister Sally is back from the fat farm again. 这人说:我妹妹萨丽去参加减肥治疗所已经回来。
My sister a wered the telephone. 我妹妹接的电话。
My sister always bosses me around. She's on a power trip. 我姐姐在家里总是指使我,完全是她掌权。

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