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Elixir of Life - Health and Beauty Studio, including aromatherapy, sports injury massage, at wheelchair friendly premises in Alexandra Palace.

Elisha saw this and cried out, My father! 12以利沙看见,就呼叫说,我父阿。
Elite Mining Barges can now be built in Advanced Medium Ship Assembly Arrays. 矿船现在可以在中型船只建造阵列里造了(?
Elite anti-terrorist police secure the area after police bomb experts safely defused an improvised device spotted outside the office building housing the Spanish embassy in Manila's financial district,Mar 26. 3月26日,在位于马尼拉金融区的西班牙驻菲律宾使馆附近,菲律宾特警正在警戒。此前,排弹专家刚刚在这里拆除了一个简易爆炸装置。
Elite root from nature. We will try our best to modernize the traditional Chinese herb culture, and serve the human health. 精华源于自然,我们愿发扬传统中药文化,服务于人类的健康事业。
Elixir of Camouflage: Imbiber cannot be tracked for 1 hour. 难道是强效的隐形药水.....1小时的!
Elixir of Life - Health and Beauty Studio, including aromatherapy, sports injury massage, at wheelchair friendly premises in Alexandra Palace. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Elixir of Major Agility is now: Use: Increases your Agility by 35 and your critical strike rating by 20 for 1 hour. 强效敏捷药剂现在增加敏捷35点并且提高暴击率20,持续1小时。
Eliza was now very tall and thin, with a rather sour face, dressed in very plain clothes, and with a cross hanging round her neck. 伊丽莎现在又高又瘦,面带苦相,穿着非常简朴,脖子上挂着个十字架。
Elizabeth LizzieBolden, recognized as the world's oldest person, died Monday in a nursing home in Tennessee, according to reports. She was 116. 据悉,世界上寿命最长的老人伊丽莎白·莉奇·波尔顿于本周一在美国田纳西州的一家养老院去世,享年116岁。
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor or Elizabeth II was the Queen and head of state of the United Kingdom since February 6, 1952. Her coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953. 伊丽莎白二世自1953年2月6日已是英国的女王,1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特教堂举行女王加冕礼。
Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provincial society. 伊丽莎白在班纳特家姑娘中是最活泼、最聪慧的一位,她无意中听到这位新来者十分高傲地贬评当地庸俗的社交界。

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