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Commercial Invoice in triplicate showing separately F.O.B value, Freight charges, Insurance premium, CIF value and country of origin.

Commerce dies the moment, and is sick in the degree in which men cannot trust each other. 一旦人无法互信,商业就停滞了;失信的程度有多严重,商业失序的程度就有多严重。
Commerce has penetrated into almost every corner of urban life, covering ancient open markets and bazaars, early modern department stores and modern shopping centres, supermarkets , pedestrian shopping malls, convenience shops and so on, all of which symb 商业已渗透到城市生活的各个角落,从古代的集、市,到近代的百货店,现代的购物中心、超市、大卖场、步行街、便利店等,都成为城市活力、特征和魅力的象征。
Commerce is no longer buying and selling of physical commodities, but the exchanges of demand and satisfaction. 商业不再仅仅是商品实物的买卖,而是需求与满足的交换。
Commercial CORBA implementations typically cost several thousand dollars per development seat, plus, in many cases, runtime royalties for each deployed copy of an application. 商用CORBA实现一般每个开发席位都会花费几千美元左右,加上许多情况下的运行时版税(每个应用部署后收取)。
Commercial Contract, Company Profile, Product Description, Tender Invitation for Project, Feasibility Report, User Manual, Accounting Report, Business Administration, Documents for Going Abroad, Literature &Arts, Commercial Correspondence, Documents for E 商务合同?公司简介?产品说明?项目招标?可行报告?用户手册?会计报告?工商管理?出国资料?文学艺术?商业信函?企划文案?网页翻译?来往信函?投招标书?商业报表?公司年报?培训资料?技术文件?技术规范?科学论文?法律文件?合同章程?法律法规?公司规定?文艺作品等。
Commercial Invoice in triplicate showing separately F.O.B value, Freight charges, Insurance premium, CIF value and country of origin. 签署发票一式五份,证明货物是根据2004年3月11日号码为12345的合同,并注明信用证号码和布鲁赛尔税则分类号码,显示正本发票和一份副本随附原套单证。
Commercial Paper(CP) Short term debt issued by a large company in their own name. CP is generally unsecured (has no security). Also called promissory notes. 商业汇票大公司以自己的名义发行的短期债务。商业发票一般无安全保障(无抵押)。
Commercial activity is expected to intensify towards Christmas. 预计临近圣诞节商贸活动会逐渐频繁。
Commercial advertisements are put up everywhere. 商业广告贴得到处都是。
Commercial advertisements contribute much to the running of a TV broadcasting station. 商业广告给电视台的运作提供了大量的经费。
Commercial agriculture, which had earned about 50% of Zimbabwe's foreign currency, collapsed. 此后,原本占据津巴布韦50%外币的商业农业轰然崩溃。

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