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Seminar in real-time language comprehension.

Semidouble-double white star/green edge. Variegated green and white, plain, pointed. Semiminiature. 半重瓣到重瓣的白色星形花,绿色边。绿色和白色组合成的一般尖型斑叶。半迷你型。
Semidouble-double white star/pale fuchsia shading. Variegated green and white, plain. Semiminiature. 半重瓣到重瓣的白色星形花,浅樱红色晕染。绿色和白色组合成的平坦斑叶。半迷你型。
Semidouble-double white star/red eye, yellow blush. Variegated green and white, plain. Semiminiature. 半重瓣到重瓣星形花,白色底,红眼,黄色内刷。绿色和白色组合成的平坦斑叶。半迷你型。
Semidoublel orchid-mauve pansy. Variegated dark green and gold, plain; sucker propagation. Miniature. 半重瓣兰花色到淡紫色堇型花。深绿色和金黄色组合成的一般型斑叶,只能用侧芽繁殖。迷你型。
Seminal fluid, on the other hand, is alkaline. 另一方面,精液是碱性的。
Seminar in real-time language comprehension. 即时语言理解研讨会。
Seminar rental charge includes P.A. System with 2 microphones, seats, projection screen, speaker's podium, white writing board, drinking fountain and reception table. 免费设备包括:音响(麦克风2个)、座位;投影白银幕、主讲檯、写字白板、水机及报到檯各一台。
Seminars and talks held in College Assemblies in relation to the transition. 书院周会举办有关一九九七过渡时期的研讨会及讲座。
Semler, R. How We Went Digital Without a Strategy.HBR (Sep-Oct 2000): reprint #R00511, 51-58. 我们如何在没有策略下进行数位化>,刊于《哈佛商业评论》,2000年9月-10月:再版#R00511,第51-58页。
Sen's contribution is significant for its confutation of the libertarian faith. 森的论述对自由意志论一厢情愿的信念构成了深刻的挑战,其贡献值得我们记取。
Sen, in contrast, argues that such conceptions of development are far too narrow. 相反,森却大声疾呼道:“此一关于发展之概念,实乃鼠目寸光“。

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