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Antagonistic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on the immunosuppressive response induced by ciclosporin A,hydrocortisone and antitumor agents

Annam belonged to Catholic parish during the period of China's Ming and Qing Dynasties. But through the th century western missionaries couldn't conduct any activities in Annam. 明清时期安南属于天主教澳门教区,在世纪,传教士一直未能在安南展开活动。
Anna·Eleanor Roosevelt is an extraordinary First Lady, who is recorded in annals not as atraditional hostess of the White House but as a prominent social activist, stateswoman,diplomat, and writer. 她不是一位寻常的第一夫人,不是以传统的白宫女主人的形象,而是作为杰出的社会活动家、政治家、外交家和作家被载入历史史册的。
Anoikis in rupture of atherosclerotic plaque 失巢凋亡在As斑块破裂中的作用及机制
Another Proof of Walther Janous-Shandun Inequality Walther Janous-Shandun不等式的又一个证明
Another way was to combine directly anhydrous piperazine with , -dichloro-bromobenzene through Ullmann reaction. 二是直接用无水哌嗪与, -二氯溴苯通过乌尔曼反应合成。
Antagonistic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on the immunosuppressive response induced by ciclosporin A,hydrocortisone and antitumor agents 灵芝多糖拮抗环孢素A,氢化可的松及抗肿瘤药的免疫抑制作用
Antagonistic effect of different solution extracts of ramulus viscin on platelet-activating factor 槲寄生不同溶剂提取物对血小板活化因子的拮抗作用观察
Anterior decompression and Kaneda Interal Fixation for the treatment of Thoraco Lumbar fractares with Paraplegia 胸腰椎骨折截瘫前路减压kaneda器械内固定
Anteroposterior radiograph of both humeri were taken at the time points of , , 8, and weeks respective-ly after operation. 术后、、8、周拍片观察骨愈合情况。
Anthropological Unscramble to the Function of Mosque in Modern Society 现代社会中清真寺功能的人类学解读
Anthropologismus thought realizes saltant development from Feuerbach to Marx. 从费尔巴哈到马克思,人本思想实现了飞跃式的发展。

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