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Preparation and immobilization of bis-quaternary ammonium salts with hydroxyl groups;

On the function of the harmonious development of human and nature in carrying out the scientific development viewpoint; 论人与自然和谐发展在落实科学发展观中的作用
Flow Injection Photochemical-Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Chlorpromazine in Pharmaceutical Preparations; 流动注射光化学荧光法测定药物制剂中的盐酸氯丙嗪
Development of Phosphorous-containing Copolymerizing Flame Retarding PET Products; 磷系共聚阻燃聚酯产品开发
Application of clinical nursing path for hyperthyroidism patients undergoing operation and evaluation on its effect; 临床护理路径在甲状腺功能亢进症手术病人中的应用及效果评价
The clinic application of two subanesthestic dosages katamine in emergency caesarean section; 两种亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮在急症剖宫产中的应用
Preparation and immobilization of bis-quaternary ammonium salts with hydroxyl groups; 两种含羟基双季铵盐杀菌剂的合成与固定化
Two different genetic analyses of spontaneously aborted specimen; 两种不同遗传学分析方法用于诊断自然流产组织的比较
Clinical Analysis For 25 Cases Of Thyroid Gland Disease Re-operation; 良性甲状腺疾病再次手术25例临床分析
Effect of continuous blood purification on oxidative stress in critically ill patients; 连续性血液净化治疗危重症患者对机体氧化应激的影响
Continuous blood purification in the treatment of 1692 critical patients:A retrospective study; 连续性血液净化治疗危重患者的疗效分析
Changes of tissue factor pathway in patitents with multi organ dysfunction during continuous blood purification; 连续性血液净化对多器官功能障碍综合征患者凝血功能的影响

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