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He concealed the sweets in his pocket.

He computed the distance at 80km. 他计算该距离为八十公里。
He concealed a knife in his pocket. 他把小刀藏在衣袋里。
He concealed himself behind the tree. 他藏在树后。
He concealed himself in a cave. 他把自己隐蔽在一个洞穴里。
He concealed his key under the doormat. 他将钥匙藏在门前擦鞋垫下。
He concealed the sweets in his pocket. 他把糖果藏在口袋里。
He conceals his feelings behind a rather stolid manner. 他装作无动於衷的样子以掩盖自己的感情.
He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance. 他装作若无其事, 藉以掩饰内心的不安.
He conceded us the right to walk through his land. 他允许我们从他的土地上走过去。
He conceded: I am keen to do anything, not resuming training-sessions with Lyon or even leaving for Mali if the club doesn't negotiate with Real. 他宣称:“我将采取一切行动。我不会参加里昂的集训。如果俱乐部不和皇马达成协议,我将回马里。”
He concedes that a case could be made against the war on the grounds of legality, the human cost, unforeseen consequences and so forth. 他承认,要反战可以有种种名头,例如不合法,耗费人力,后果难测等等。

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