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We call such transactions “the Gallon Trade”.

We are drawing a conclusion that the torpid of mortality and finitude in the human nature is the rudimentary cause. 有死有限存在的同时,无限与永恒的追求才成为可能与必然。 若人本身就是无限与永恒,便无需超越,无需追求无限与永恒;
We are in the back modern society of scientific and technological high speed development,in the face of the media developing state with rapid change,how should we treat soberly? 我们处在科技高速发展的后现代社会,面对日新月异的媒介发展态势,我们应如何清醒地看待?
We are interested in scenarios that do not break combinatorial structures (that is the genome synteny blocks). 本文比较感兴趣的是不破坏组合结构(即基因组保守块)的方案。
We are thinks that the understanding the echoing antidumping to China, find out the key factors, prevention validity foreign countries to China and make use of the echoing antidumping have an important meaning. 本文认为了解对华回应反倾销,对找到外国对华反倾销的关键环节、有效预防外国对华反倾销并利用“回应反倾销”对外反倾销等有重要的意义。
We believe that conditions are not presently conducive to establishment of a dugong nature reserve in Hainan. 但在海南省西海域近岸未发现儒艮,且原有儒艮栖息地的海草均被破坏消失,认为目前建立海南儒艮自然保护区的条件尚不成熟。
We call such transactions “the Gallon Trade”. 而以这种帆船作为交通工具进行的跨洋长途贸易被称为“大帆船贸易”。
We can measure the calcium content of the colored or turbid drink using the method of taking calcium electrode as indicator electrode, and calomel electrode as reference electrode. 提出了以钙电极为指示电极,甘汞电极为参比电极的方法测有色或浑浊饮料中钙含量。
We can no longer ignore the crisis of water, nor can we rob and ravage water resource of the nature dissolutely for one's own greed and avarice. 给水以活路,人类才能生存和发展。 我们再也不能无视水的存在,与水争地、与水争林、与水争胜,我们再也不能为着自己的贪婪和野心,肆意掠夺和蹂躏大自然的水资源了!
We can say that painting is visible music, whereas music is audible painting. 我们可以说绘画是可视的音乐 ,音乐是可听的绘画。
We cannot confuse religion spirit with man's spirit. 不能把宗教精神与人类精神混为一谈 ,宗教的消亡不等于消灭 ;
We cannot violate the essential spirit of the original works or the basic features of the characters, just as we cannot equal Hamlet to Don Quixote or an American hippie. 在莎剧艺术欣赏中,再创造、再评论不是毫无根据、随心所欲的,而是有原则的,一定要以不违背原著的基本精神,不违背人物形象的基本特征为前提,不能把哈姆莱特和唐吉诃德划等号,也不能把丹麦王子当作西方的嬉皮士。

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