Just make sure that they are good-looking, and not just the best of a bunch of hideous office workers.
只是要确保一点——他/她长得不错,而并非只是一群长相难看的办公室职员中的佼佼者。 |
Just make sure that you talk to your health care provider and understand what you can and can't eat.
务必要同医疗保健人员交谈,了解你能吃什么,不能吃什么。 |
Just make sure they skim your curves, not squeeze the life out of you.
只要注意裙身剪裁能恰好突出你的线条,但不要把自己箍紧到喘不过气来。 |
Just make sure you can also restore from the backup you've made.
仅仅确定你也能从你已经做的备份修复。 |
Just me with my book, shaking.
我挥动我的书向前走。 |
Just minutes after the crash, bloody passengers stumbled away from the burning wreckage looking for help.
飞机失事几分钟后,满身血迹的乘客从仍在燃烧的飞机残骸中跌跌撞撞地出来,寻求援助。 |
Just minutes after the crash, bloody passengers stumbled away from the burning wreckage, looking for help.
在其坠落几分钟后,血迹斑斑的旅客们跌跌绊绊的逃离燃烧着的残骸,寻求救援。 |
Just minutes after the crash, bloody passengers stumbled the way from burning wreckage looking for help.
客机坠毁后仅仅几分钟,浑身是血的乘客们从着火的残骸中踉跄走出,寻求帮助。 |
Just moments after Bund18's Ms Chang boasts how exciting it is to finally have something on the Bund,she must rush off.
就在“外滩18号楼”的张女士兴奋地表示“最终在外滩占据一席之地是多么令人激动”之后几分钟,她就不得不应对新的突发事件。 |
Just moments after David Seaman had saved Gary McCallister's penalty, Gazza looped the ball over Colin Hendry's head before volleying first-time past goalkeeper Andy Goram to secure a 2-0 win for England.
在希曼扑出了麦克利斯特的点球后不久,加扎将球挑过了亨德里然后第一时间凌空抽射得分,帮助英格兰以2比0锁定胜局。 |
Just months after the massacre that took place on the campus of Virginia Tech, students, faculty and family members of the victims are remembering the 32 lost by placing these stones in a permanent memorial.
维吉尼亚理工大学校园枪杀案一个月后的今天,该校学生,教职工以及受害者家属将这些石头放在一个永久纪念物里以缅怀32位受害者。 |