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Similarly for mature females, a year in which forage is scarce will see few births and few of the foals that do make it into the world will survive.

Similarly GATT is credited with encouraging the use of comparative advantage, aimed at the production of the best products possible at the lowest price possible. 同样,关税及贸易总协定的功绩还在于它鼓励利用比较优势,即以尽可能低的价格生产最好的产品。
Similarly Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University, argues that “when you choose organics, you are voting for a planet with fewer pesticides, richer soil and cleaner water supplies. 无独有偶,纽约大学营养学家马里昂?内斯托也认为,“选择了有机食品,就等于选择了一个杀虫剂更少,土壤更加肥沃,饮水更加纯净的地球。”
Similarly conversation in Britain is in general quiet and restrained and loud speech is considered ill-bred. 相似的,英国的对话通常讲是安静和受约束的,并且大声说话是很糟的表现。
Similarly create another duplicate. Press Ctrl+T. Scale down horizontally. Hide original layer. 如上图再复制一个图层,将图像进行水平方向的挤压。隐藏原始图层。
Similarly create successive frames and keep hiding/unhiding layers as shown. 如上对每一帧和每一层进行操作。
Similarly for mature females, a year in which forage is scarce will see few births and few of the foals that do make it into the world will survive. 其他成年雌驴也会有类似情况,歉年的时候生产率会下降,能存活下来的驴仔更少。
Similarly for the obese higher rates of cancer of the breast, colon, ovary, prostrate, endometrium (the layer of tissue that lines the uterus), kidney and gallbladder are all being evidenced now in China and in younger patients than previously observed. 同样,乳腺癌、结肠癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌、子宫内膜癌(子宫内的一层组织)、肾癌和胆囊癌在中国的发病率也明显上升,而且与先前的观测结果相比,患病人群更为年轻。
Similarly if we point our thumb in the negative direction of the axis our fingers will curl in the negative direction of rotation. 同样的,如果我们将自己的拇指朝向逆方向轴,我们的手指将收拢于逆旋转反向。
Similarly in French-and Italian-speaking areas, the mother tongue is taught first while the second or third language is picked up later on. 同样地法语区和意语区的学校,也先教导母语,后来才学第二语文或第三语文。
Similarly it has been found by Professor Lewis M.Terman, of Stanford University, that a vocabulary test is as accurate a measure of intelligence as any three units of the standard and accepted Stanford-Binet I.Q. tests. 无独有偶,斯坦福大学的路易斯·M·特曼教授也发现,词汇测试与三套普遍被人接受的斯坦福·宾尼特标准智商测试题中的任何一套一样,可以准确地测定智力。
Similarly now, he is making a point. 现在相似的,他在建立一个论点。

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