As a concession to her inexperience they allowed her to have some help.
他们体谅她缺乏经验, 允许她获得些帮助. |
As a concession, Mother let me stay up an hour longer.
作为一种让步,母亲准我晚睡一小时。 |
As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.
由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。 |
As a consequence of globalisation this quasi-juridical view of citizenship, though conceived in terms of the nation-state, is being appropriated and applied to the international sphere.
这个拟法律观点建构出来的公民概念原本是以民族国家为前提,但是在全球化的影响下,也被挪用至国际领域的讨论中。 |
As a consequence of low domestic demand for goods and services, business investments remained tepid , while the nation's unemployment rate inched upward to 8 percent in August 2003.
由于国内商品和服务需求低,商业投资不旺,(加拿大)2003年8月的国内失业率高达8%. |
As a consequence of smoking, my father coughs frequently.
因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。 |
As a consequence of the results of the aforementioned analyses, patients referring pain located at the right epigastrium were selected and further evaluated.
基于前述分析之结果,病患称右上腹部疼痛的,我们会加以筛选,再进一步评估。 |
As a consequence of these differences enlistment of the judiciary in the period 2 defense of fundamental law was understood to be an entirely separate undertaking from the judicial enforcement of ordinary law.
由于存在这些区别,在基本法存在(不受司法释明)两个辩护理由时期,人们认为对基本法的司法介入是与通过司法对普通法律的执行活动完全独立的活动。 |
As a consequence of this angular velocity, the field of the relative air flow past the airplane is curved.
由于存在角速度,通过飞机的相对气流流场是弯曲的。 |
As a consequence of this simulation, however, the cut-off frequency of the resulting low-pass is 70.7 per cent of the specified bandwidth, and not 50 per cent.
然而这种模拟的结果是:最终的低通截止频率为特定带宽的70.7%,而非50%。 |
As a consequence there is more white space in between light letters than in between black letters.
字符内部白空间的大小,决定着两个字符之间的白空间的大小。 |