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Anatomic study of plate-screw fixation of the posterior column of the acetabulum

Genotyping of Toll-like Receptor 4 in Hubei Population of Chinese 湖北人群Toll样受体4基因多态性研究
Spectrophotometric study on interaction of light green SF(yellowish) with protein and its analytical application 亮绿SF(淡黄)与蛋白质相互作用的光度法研究及其分析应用
Cloning and sequence analysis of HN gene of ten Newcastle disease virus isolates from Guangxi 10株新城疫病毒广西分离株HN蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析
Effects of Diludine on the Production Performance of Broilers and on BUN and Thyroxine 二氢吡啶对肉仔鸡生产性能及对尿素氮、甲状腺激素的影响
Major factors on diurnal changes of photosynthetic rate of Reaumuria soongorica in Fukang desert, Xinjiang 影响新疆阜康荒漠地区红砂光合日变化因素的分析
Anatomic study of plate-screw fixation of the posterior column of the acetabulum 髋臼后柱螺钉固定安全性的解剖学研究
Purification and Characterization of Vitellin from the Redclaw Crayfish,Cherax quadricarinatus 红螯光壳螯虾卵黄磷蛋白的分离纯化和鉴定
Etiology and detection methods of gosling plague 小鹅瘟病原学与检测方法的研究
The Study of Tissue Structure and Drought Resistance From 8 Varieties in South Ningxia 宁南八种植物组织结构抗旱性的研究
The Development of the Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Desiccation-tolerant Mosses 耐旱苔藓植物生理学及分子生物学研究进展
Comparisons on pathogenicity of 31 field strains of infections bursal disease viruses isolated in China during 1997~2001 1997~2001年间31个不同传染性法氏囊病病毒分离株的致病性研究

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