According to Kantian perspective, all stakeholders in business are the members of Kingdom of end so that they are treated not only mean but also end.
本文首先,康德认为,无论是个人或他人的人格中的人性都应该受到尊敬,决不可只当作工具看,而应当作一目的来看待,此即是人的内在价值。 |
According to Kiyosaki (1993), the current education system is fraught with many problems.
清崎在他1993年完成的这本书中指出,现有教育体制误人子弟,问题多多。 |
According to Lama most whelks are right-handed,and this is the rare left-handed one.Wonder he cheat me?
据老喇嘛说海螺绝大多数是向右转的,这个是千里无一的左转法螺,不知有没有闷俺? |
According to Li, the society plans to send pamphlets over the next few years to a million students in 100 cities advocating filial piety.
据李汉秋介绍,“中国母亲节促进会”计划在未来几年内在100个城市向100万名学生分发小册子,宣传“孝”的传统。 |
According to Lin Chung-mo, Lin got tired of Shih's grandstanding and thinking he could manipulate other DPP legislators, and Lin drove him out of the party caucus in 2000.
根据林重谟的说法,他实在看不惯施明德哗众取宠的作风,而且顾虑到施可能影响其他民进党立委,因此,便在2000年将施逐出党团会议。 |
According to Mai Ling, there are two ways to access the lower level.
据梅玲所说,到下面一层有两条路可选。 |
According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis.
其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。 |
According to Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, as a magnetized object shrinks by a factor of two, its magnetic field strengthens by a factor of four.
根据马克士威的电磁方程式,当一个磁化的物体缩小为原来的二分之一时,它的磁场强度就变成原来的四倍。 |
According to Maya Cosmovision, as we become aware of the different vibrations of the Earth we will become connected with all Life.
根据玛雅人的幻想,正当我们对地球不同振动变得知晓,我们会与所有生命连接。 |
According to Mayor Wang, Kellogg is set to be an important partner in fostering Beijing City's international “brand” recognition, and the mayor has invited the Kellogg School of Management to Beijing to offer expertise and insights into some of these issu
在过去的十五年中,凯洛格商学院成功打造了芝加哥的城市品牌,并为泰国政府制定国际品牌战略;所以王市长也希望凯洛格商学院能为北京的城市品牌建设献计献策。 |
According to Michael Fallon, a Tory MP, during Labour's first term it stopped recording figures on the impact of indirect taxation on household income: “The suspicion was that they made stealth taxes too transparent.
据保守党下院议员迈克尔法伦说,工党执政首年便停止记录间接课税对家庭收入影响的数据:“因为这可能将会使偷税过于透明。” |