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Precise and normative management can ensure our quality of service.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. 15在耶和华眼中,看圣民之死,极为宝贵。
Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones. 诗116:15在耶和华眼中看圣民之死、极为宝贵。
Precious things are very few?? 可贵的东西世间稀少??
Precipitation in the form of pellets of ice and hard snow. 冰雹以冰和硬雪块颗粒的形式下落
Precipitation of added fertilizer within irrigation systems occurs if solubility of fertilizer or reaction products between fertilizer and impurities of the water are exceeded. 如果肥料或肥料与水中杂质形成的反应产物超过溶解度时,加到灌溉系统中的肥料就会产生沉淀。
Precise and normative management can ensure our quality of service. 严谨、规范的管理是实现案件质量目标的根本保障。
Precise and smooth operation, high capacity. 产品精密、运转顺畅、产能高。
Precise anilox roll and rubber roll with micro adjust to ensure high printing quality. 精密花轮与印刷胶轮使用微调,可确保高水准印刷品质。
Precise details of how to enforce these punitive measures are still being worked out. 关于实行这项惩罚性的措施的详细事宜还没有确定。
Precise information on patient outcomes, either in generic measures of quality of life or disease-specific tools, is indispensable in determining the alue of a surgical innoation such as naigated knee arthroplasty. 病患结局的精确资讯,对于决定外科创新如膝关节表面置换术导航是否有价值而言是至关重要的,无论是一般性的生活质量评价还是疾病特性工具。
Precise or proper to the point of affectation; excessively decorous. 一本正经的过于准确或合适以致于造作的;过分端庄的

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