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He works so hard that his working time can hardly be counted by the day.

He works in this bureau. 他在这个局工作过。
He works long hours to the detriment of his health. 他长时间的工作,有损健康。
He works nights and sleeps days. 他夜间工作白天睡觉。
He works on an assembly line or he is an assembly line worker. 他在一条装配线上工作或他是一名装配线上的工人。
He works on the assembly line at the local car factory. 他在本地汽车制造厂装配线上工作.
He works so hard that his working time can hardly be counted by the day. 他干得真积极,他的工作时间无法以日计算。
He works three day on end. 他连续工作了三天。
He works when he might retire. 虽然可以退休,他还是工作。
He works with Cazaril when he has to, and his plans are thought out well. 当有需要时,他会跟卡萨瑞合作,他的计划深思熟虑。
He works with greater devotion. 他工作得更专心了。
He wormed his small body through the hedge. 他蠕动他那瘦小的身体钻过了树篱。

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