Conclusion: To believe destiny has controlled your future and life is superstitious and should be wiped out of your mind.
总结:相信命运会控制你的未来和生命是迷信的,应该把这种思想清除出大脑。 |
Conclusion: To decrease the mortality of the patients with severe hepatitis, we should adopt rational therapeutics and prevent complications in clinical practice.
结论:临床治疗时应采用合理的治疗方法,预防并发症,以提高重型肝炎的生存率。 |
Conclusion: To find placental abruption early and treat correctly can decrease danger of pregnancies and infants.
结论早期发现胎盘早剥及正确处理可降低孕婴危险性。 |
Conclusion: To the foot with wide-ranging contusion, this method is an reliable and easy method for retaining the length and the function of the injury foot with maximum limit.
结论:对广泛挫伤的伤足该方法安全可靠,能最大限度地保存伤足长度与功能。 |
Conclusion: To understand the survivors' biographical disruptions and trauma transformations, it is worthy to stand at positive and health as well as negative and psychopathology aspects, rather than simply evaluate the victims' psychological reactions to
同时,女性较易显现关照他者的态度,并赋予自身受创经验的正向角度,而不会仅是从苦难的向度去看待所遭逢的灾难事件。 |
Conclusion: Traditional acupoints are characteristic of high oxygen partial pressure and calcium ion concentration.
结论:传统的针灸穴位具有高氧分压和高钙离子浓度特性。 |
Conclusion: Trichotillomania characterized by uncontrollable to pull one's hair under stressful impulse is a rare disease, involving the eyelashes or eyebrows.
结论:拔毛症是一种「冲动控制疾患」,病患常反覆且无法抗拒的去拔除自己的头发、眉毛或睫毛。 |
Conclusion: Using the acupuncture on the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin acupoints to treat constipation is a good method.
结论:针刺足少阴肾经是治疗便秘的良好方法。 |
Conclusion: Water quality of the headwater is bad.
结论:该市农村水源水水质差。 |
Conclusion: We show here that sphenoid sinus mucocele can simulate a variety of pathological conditions.
由于它在我们眼科的临床表现可以是外展神经麻痹及逐渐视力丧失,因此应将它列入鑑别诊断。 |
Conclusion: When mothers and obstetricians make medical decisions, non-medical factors such as ethnicity may not directly influence the selection of delivery mode.
结论:我国产妇及医师在决定采用剖腹产时受国籍别等非医疗因素干扰不大。 |