No security system is ever perfect, so don't assume that yours is.
没有一个安全系统是完美的,所以不要存有侥幸心理。 |
No selective area sharpening should be done.
选择性局部锐化工具不允许使用。 |
No self respecting journalist would like to see their lazy work, deceptions or fabrications exposed to the world.
自尊心很强的记者们不想看到他们的偷懒作品,欺骗或者造假的文章公之于众。 |
No self-respecting doctor would refuse to treat a sick person.
凡是有自尊心的医生都不会对病人置之不顾的. |
No self-respecting woman will ever let a naked man in socks do the squelching with her.
凡是有点自尊的女人都不会让穿着袜子的裸体男人和他亲热。 |
No serious adverse event had been observed in clinical trials.
没有明显的副作用在临床试验过程中发现。 |
No service on Saturdays afternoon, Sundays and public holidays.
星期六下午、星期日及公众假期暂停服务。 |
No service on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and school holidays.
星期六、日、公众假期及学校假期暂停服务。 |
No ship could long survive in such a storm.
在这样的风暴中没有一艘船能长时间坚持下去。 |
No ship, sailing in the ocean, has no wounds.
在大海上航行的船没有不带伤的。 |
No shipper or passenger shall be compelled in any manner to enter into insured transport or buy transport insurance policy.
不得以任何方式强迫办理保价运输或者货物运输保险。 |