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At present, there is an up-surge in passion here for the bid to host the Universiade, and the bidding has won the enthusiastic support of u-niversity students from Beijing, Shang-hai and elsewhere in China.

At present, there are no longer any celibate monks among Newar Buddhist Sangha. The members of community live in Vihara and have retained its designation (Sangha). 现在你在尼瓦佛教僧团里面找不到传统不婚的法师。而住在寺院内的社区成员都还拥有他们的称号(指法师的称号)。
At present, there can be little doubt that the whole of mankind is in mortal danger, not because we are short of scientific and technological know-how, but because we tend to use it destructively, without wisdom. 目前,人类处境危急,并非缺少科学和技术诀窍,而是人们想要无知地将之用于破坏的目的。
At present, there exist many problems, such as the irrational proportion of funds-raising, the instability of pension fund sources and a narrow channel of pension funds-raising and so on in the rural social endowment insurance. 目前,我国农村社会养老保险基金筹集中存在着基金筹集比例不合理、基金来源不稳定及基金筹集渠道狭窄等问题。
At present, there exist some problems, such as the weakness of students' participation, the conflict between the flexibility of practical teaching and the canonical teaching. 目前实践教学存在着学生学习参与意识不强,实践教学灵活性与教学的规范性的冲突等问题。
At present, there exits subjective and objective reasons why government authority is running off. 当前政府权威流失存在著主客观方面的多种原因。
At present, there is an up-surge in passion here for the bid to host the Universiade, and the bidding has won the enthusiastic support of u-niversity students from Beijing, Shang-hai and elsewhere in China. 目前,申办世界大运会的热情正在这片东方热土上激荡,深圳申办大运会得到北京、上海、广州等中国各地大学生的热情支持。
At present, there is no special institution of legal application to deal with the responsibility of foreign products in China; whereas, there is general legal application of tort. 我国当前还没有调整涉外产品责任法律适用的专门制度,只是笼统地采用了侵权行为法律适用规则。
At present, there is no telescope in existence that is capable of detecting the presence of life. 现在,没有一台现存的望远镜可以发现生命的存在。
At present, there is still no criterion about the fireproofing design of metro in China. 摘要简要分析国内外地铁消防标准、规范,认为在安全疏散设计方面,国内与国际水平相比还有较大的差距。
At present, these Dart are using as reserve of the feeder service within the LRT networks in the North-west of New Territories. 目前,这三架飞镖巴士主要服务屯门及天水围区接驳路线,及用作后备车之用。
At present, these financial risks are mainly reflected in (i) market risks in several areas where the real estate market appears overheated; (ii) financial risks due to the high debt level of property developers; (iii) moral hazard reflected in felonies i 当前房地产金融风险集中表现为:一是部分地区房地产市场过热存在市场风险;二是房地产开发企业高负债经营隐含财务风险;三是“假按揭”凸显道德风险;四是基层银行发放房地产贷款存在操作风险;五是土地开发贷款有较大信用风险;六是房地产贷款法律风险加大。

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