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The Male who doesn't abide by The Rules, can't take the heat, lacks a backbone, and is a wimp.

The Mainland faces a daunting challenge in 2005: How to cool its fast-growing economy without depressing it. 内地在2005年面临一项让人望而生畏的挑战:如何在不抑制经济增长的条件下对快速增长的经济进行降温?
The Majority of vodkas are distilled from corn; it yields more vodka per bushel than other grains or potatoes. 大多数伏特加从玉米蒸馏而来,因为在同一个重量单位下,玉米比谷物和土豆会产生更多的伏特加。
The Malamute foot should be fairly large and tight. 阿拉斯加的脚必须粗大并且结实。
The Malamute is a fun loving dog and can be quite a clown, often at the expense of a human. 阿拉斯加是表情丰富,讨人喜爱的品种,有时也能是一个可爱的小丑,当然经常需要付出主人的经济代价。
The Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur will have 23 such high-tech, self-cleaning toilets, Mayor Hakim Borhan said. 该市最终将会建成23座这种充满高科技手段且具备自我清洁功能的洗手间。
The Male who doesn't abide by The Rules, can't take the heat, lacks a backbone, and is a wimp. 他若不遵守以上规则的话,就被认为不能承担责任,缺乏主见且是一个懦夫。
The Malfoy family is an old and aristocratic wizarding family. 马尔福家族是个古老而高贵的巫师家族。
The Malfoys are extremely wealthy. 马尔福一家人极其富裕。
The Mali international has been strongly tipped to join United in recent months, with the Reds purportedly favourites for his signature as recently as last week. 在最近几个月,媒体纷纷传闻马里国家队队员迪亚拉要加盟曼联,上周则传闻曼联是最有可能签下他的。
The Mali international hasn\'t featured since injuring his shoulder against Birmingham in the Carling Cup on November 8th while Zenden hasn\'t played since he had knee surgery after the 1-0 win over Manchester City on November 29th. 马里国脚自从11月8日在联赛杯对伯明翰的比赛中肩膀受伤之后就一直没有露面,而岑登在11月29日1-0胜曼城的比赛之后接受了膝部的手术,自那以后他就未能参加比赛。
The Mali international, who is a candidate for this season's Golden Boot, is a favourite of Juve coach Didier Deschamps. 马里国脚这赛季是金靴奖的候选人,是尤文主帅德尚特别喜爱的球员。

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