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Drivers: Fernando Alonso (Renault), Tiago Monteiro (Midland), Juan Pablo Montoya (McLaren), Michael Schumacher (Ferrari) and Scott Speed (Toro Rosso).

Drivers should control their speed within the range of the posted maximum and minimum speed limit when driving on expressways. 司机在高速公路上开车时必须将自己的行车速度控制在标牌规定的最高限速与最低限速之间。
Drivers should not allocate memory using one of the must-succeed specifiers. 驱动不应该使用一个必须继承的指定器来分配内存。
Drivers should not be involved in personal privacy and business secret. 司机不涉及乘客个人隐私和商业秘密。
Drivers' chairs can not attain the function of lowing the vibration because they can not get the renewal and maintenance over a long period of time. 运矿车辆的减振座椅因长期得不到更新和维护,已难以达到降低振动的作用。
Drivers' wariness about road pricing is understandable, but they would probably benefit. 司机们对道路计费系统的谨慎关注是可以理解的,不过他们也可能从中收益。
Drivers: Fernando Alonso (Renault), Tiago Monteiro (Midland), Juan Pablo Montoya (McLaren), Michael Schumacher (Ferrari) and Scott Speed (Toro Rosso). 车手:费尔南多-阿隆索(雷诺)、提戈亚-蒙泰罗(米德兰)、胡安-帕布鲁-蒙托亚(迈凯轮)、迈克尔-舒马赫(法拉利)和斯科特-斯毕德。
Driver:Hopefully I'll get to travel there soon. 司机:我希望很快能去那里旅行。
Driver:What's his native language? 司机:他的母语是什么?
Drives Check to see if you are using SCSI or IDE drives. 磁盘检查看看是否你正在使用小型电脑标准介面或IDE磁盘。
Driving (30minutes) to Friendship restaurant nearby the Ming Tombs and having typical Chinese lunch (50 minutes). 乘车30分钟到‘达意友谊’餐厅用午餐,午餐时间50分钟。
Driving a BMW to school everyday is the son of the mayor. 每天开宝马车上学的人是市长的儿子.

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