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Lawyers for the two sides have fought since 1998 over rights to the famed portrait and four other paintings — a lesser-known Bloch-Bauer portrait as well as “Apfelbaum” (“Apple Tree”), “Buchenwald/Birkenwald (“Beech Forest/Birch Forest) and “Haeuser in Un

Lawyers associations shall give awards to or take disciplinary measures against lawyers in accordance with the articles of association. 律师协会按照章程对律师给予奖励或者给予处分。
Lawyers for Asahara immediately a ealed, setting in motion legal proceedings that could last 10 years. 麻原彰晃的辩护律师实时提出上诉,激活的法律程序可能长达十年。
Lawyers for Asahara immediately appealed, setting in motion legal proceedings that could last 10 years. 麻原彰晃的辩护律师即时提出上诉,启动的法律程序可能长达十年。
Lawyers for Asahara immediately appealed, setting in motion legal proceedings that could last 10 years. 麻原彰晃的辩护律师实时提出上诉,激活的法律程序可能长达十年。
Lawyers for the plaintiffs had argued that the ballot language addressed more than one issues and that it was misleading because it asked voters to decide on both same-sex marriage and civil unions, separate issues about which many people had different op 原告辩护律师对于投票演说辞的争辩多于事件本身,投票演说辞令人误解是因为它让人们同时为同性婚姻和公民结合作决定,问题产生歧义使很多人有不同的理解。
Lawyers for the two sides have fought since 1998 over rights to the famed portrait and four other paintings — a lesser-known Bloch-Bauer portrait as well as “Apfelbaum” (“Apple Tree”), “Buchenwald/Birkenwald (“Beech Forest/Birch Forest) and “Haeuser in Un 自1998年以来,双方律师就五幅画的所有权不断抗争,包括一幅传世名画和其他四幅―――一幅稍稍逊色的《布洛赫-鲍尔画像》、《苹果树》、《山毛榉森林/白桦木森林》和《阿特湖旁房舍》。
Lawyers have been known to wrest from reluctant juries triumphant verdicts of acquittal for their clients, even when those clients, as often happens, were clearly and unmistakably innocent. 从所周知,律师善于让陪审员极不情愿地作出他的当事人无罪的判决,即使他的当事人的确是无罪的。
Lawyers play a vital role in the preservation of society. 律师对于社会的维护具有至关重要的作用。
Lawyers say a grand jury has indicted at least 3 of 5 New York City police officers in the case of Sean Bell killed on his wedding day in a 50-shot barrage. 律师们表示,大陪审团已经起诉了涉嫌萨朗.贝尔一案5名纽约市警察中的至少3名。
Lawyers say students could be sued for defamation, even if a teacher was not named. 律师表示,就算没有写出老师的名字,(在网路日志中)污衊老师的学生也可能被控诽谤。
Lawyers should be well-versed in logic. 律师应该通晓逻辑.

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