Regardless of the collar style you choose for your puppy, remember to attach an identification tag listing your puppy's name, your address and phone number. |
中文意思: 无论你选择什么样的,请记得在上面挂一个标牌注明狗狗的名字,你的地址和电话。 |
Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion.
无论采用何种能源,未来的汽车仍将是城市交通的一个主要问题。 |
Regardless of living a secluded life in a mountain, or immerging in an ancient temple, if it is an uneasy heart,it can not calm down.
一颗燥动的心,无论幽居于深山,还是隐没在古刹,都无法安静下来。 |
Regardless of size or scope, the single biggest mistake I see managers make over and over is trying to make their sites do too many different kinds of things.
这其中无论是多大尺度或是多大规模的网站,通常会犯的一个错误就是:网站所提供的内容和服务种类太多太多了,缺乏目的性。 |
Regardless of the Joey Barton injury blow, the Newcastle United career of Kieron Dyer looks to be drawing to a close, with three clubs now rumoured to be interested in signing him.
不管乔伊·巴顿正在受伤病的打击,但基隆·代尔的纽卡斯尔生涯貌似要结束了,现在正有3家俱乐部感兴趣签下他。 |
Regardless of the angle at which the tip of the stick hits the opponent's body, any thrust into the opponent is an angle five strike.
不管是哪个角度,只要是用棍的一端刺击对手的身体,都属于角度5的攻击。 |
Regardless of the collar style you choose for your puppy, remember to attach an identification tag listing your puppy's name, your address and phone number.
无论你选择什么样的,请记得在上面挂一个标牌注明狗狗的名字,你的地址和电话。 |
Regardless of the etiology for restrictive lung diseases, many eventually lead to extensive fibrosis.
此处不考虑限制性肺病的病原学,许多最终发生了广泛的纤维化。 |
Regardless of the exact reason, there does seem to be a clear pattern of targeted microbiologists, and paired with it, an obvious government disinterest in the matter.
不管确切的原因,似乎是一个明确的目标模式微生物而与它配对,显然政府在这件事的冷淡. |
Regardless of the genius of the novelists readers become less and less interested in pure literature.
尽管小说家才华横溢,然而纯文学的读者越来越少。 |
Regardless of the height of the fall, the wearer always lands on her feet.
不管从多高的地方坠落,穿戴者始终双脚落地。 |
Regardless of the legend, Minoan culture extended across the island of Crete, with most of its developments along the northern coast of Crete.
抛开传说,克里特文明延伸,越过希腊岛屿,它延着希腊北岸,有着最大的发展。 |