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A Maryland man is being examined for injuries after reportedly making a drunken leap from a cruise ship off the Florida coast.

A Maple Leaf School must meet several requirements from Chinese governments and British Columbia , Canada in order to offer its quality educational program. 创办枫叶国际学校必须符合中国政府和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的有关法规,以保证合作办学项目的质量。
A Marine Corps soldier teaches Navy personnel how to shoot a SMAW, or Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon, August 15, 2007, at the 2007 Taipei Aerospace &Defense Technology Exhibition. 国防部「2007年台北国际航太科技暨国防工业展」将于八月十六日至十九日在世贸一馆举行。
A Marxist orientation. 马克思主义倾向
A Marxist would say this is a classic case of big business exploiting the workers. 马克思主义者会把这看作是大企业剥削劳工的经典案例。
A Maryland college student has been found alive after being trapped in a ravine for a week following a car accident. 3马里兰大学的学生朱丽安在车祸中被困在峡谷里为时一周,近日被找到还是生还(被发现生还,还是放在这里不通顺)。
A Maryland man is being examined for injuries after reportedly making a drunken leap from a cruise ship off the Florida coast. 据报道,一名马里兰男子醉酒后从佛罗里达海面的巡航舰上跳下,受伤因而接受检查。
A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd. 马赛人要时刻准备着为牧群而牺牲。
A Mass is a kind of Church service. 恺撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。
A Massachusetts company is working on a new generation of robots that would help American soldiers in battle. The machines won't look anything like the Terminator, though. By Mark Baard. 机器人参加战斗?呵呵。不知道在伊拉克的美国军人看到这个消息会作何感想。
A Matching Grant from The Rotary Foundation helped Rotarians finish off a well and perform other structural work. 扶輪基金会拨给配合奖助金帮助扶輪社员盖一口井,及进行其他工程。
A Material node itself is simply a shading model; an algorithm that simulates the physics of how light behaves when it strikes a surface. 一个材质节点本身是一个简单的材质模型;一个在光照在表面的物理模拟的运算法则。

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