But Sarai was barren; she had no child.
30撒莱不生育,没有孩子。 |
But Satan was not worried; his center fielder let very few get by.
但撒旦并不担心;他的中心接球手很少漏球。 |
But Saturday's bridge-jumping festival turned deadly, one of about 400 parachutists making the jump off the New River Gorge Bridge died when his parachute either failed to open or opened too late.
但是在周六却造成了人员伤亡,在400名从新河峡谷桥跳下的跳伞员中有1人因为没有打开或未能及时打开降落伞而导致了死亡。 |
But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ.
22但扫罗越发有能力,驳倒住大马士革的犹太人,证明耶稣是基督。 |
But Saul said nothing that day about it, for he thought, Something has happened to him; he is not clean; surely he is not clean.
26然而那日扫罗没有说什么,他想大卫遇事以致不洁,他必定是不洁。 |
But Saul said, Not a man shall be put to death this day, for today the Lord has accomplished deliverance in Israel.
撒上11:13扫罗说、今日耶和华在以色列中施行拯救、所以不可杀人。 |
But Saul said, No man shall be put to death on this day, for today Jehovah has accomplished deliverance in Israel.
13但扫罗说,今日不可有人被处死,因为今日耶和华在以色列中施行了拯救。 |
But Saul threw his spear at him in order to strike him down. So Jonathan knew that it was determined by his father to put David to death.
33扫罗向约拿单抡枪要刺他,约拿单就知道他父亲决意要杀大卫。 |
But Saul was all the more empowered, and he confounded the Jews dwelling in Damascus by proving that this One is the Christ.
22但扫罗越发有能力,驳倒住大马色的犹太人,证明这位耶稣就是基督。 |
But Saul was devastating the church, entering house after house; and dragging off men and women, he delivered them to prison.
3扫罗却残害召会,逐家进去,连男带女拉去下在监里。 |
But Scorpios don't sacrifice style, so they will want to add flair, color and shapely design into the mix.
不过为了不让形象损失太多,短发搭配些靓丽的颜色或是别致的造型那就更好了。 |