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“It was 11 o'clock three days ago,” Cao recalled, “when the phone call came in to tell me that a cornea had been found.

“It makes sense for Beijing to look closely at ethanol. 他表示:“中国政府密切关注乙醇是有道理的。
“It might have been the sweater,” said winner Denny Woods, 62. 62岁的赢家丹尼·伍兹说:“我可能是赢在了那件毛衣上。”
“It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you can effectively make him a proposition. 一个放诸四海皆准的事实-必须先做成朋友,对方才会听你的忠告。
“It sounds like a glorious occasion for your people,” Ayenden said. “Are you sure I can't convince you to take me along as a guest? “听上去好像你们博学者要搞一个大聚会啊。“艾登调皮的说道,“你确认我不能说服你带我一起去作客么?”
“It turned out to be a screw. 「结果是一个螺丝钉。」
“It was 11 o'clock three days ago,” Cao recalled, “when the phone call came in to tell me that a cornea had been found. “那是三天前的中午11点,”曹回忆道,“电话打了进来,告诉我说角膜找到了。”
“It was a big embarrassment: with the squad we've got, we should have done better. “那是十分尴尬的:以我我们拥有的队伍,我们应该做得更好。
“It was a decent performance until the second goal. “在丢第二球之前,我们表现很正常。
“It was a good cross from Bridgey after a perfect combination, and my first Premiership goal was very important to me,” he says looking back on the game at the Riverside. “和布里奇完美的配合,给我带来了英超的手里进球,这对我很重要”,他回头看着比赛回放说。
“It was a great win and now we must take it one game at a time, but we hope to finish in fourth place,” said the Macedonian hitman. 这是一场伟大的胜利,现在我们必须把这种气势带到下面的每一场比赛中,而且我希望能以第四名成绩结束我们的这个赛季马其顿的前锋说到.
“It was a small conference attended by some of the most senior researchers in the field,” he recalls. “When they heard me, a lowly graduate student, tell the muffin joke, there was a really uncomfortable silence. “那是由一些这个领域非常资力深研究者参加的小型会议,”他回忆说,“当他们听到我,一个小小研究生,说出这个松饼的笑话,真的是一片让人非常不舒服的安静。

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