Daytime tasks; daytime clothes.
日间任务;白天穿的衣服 |
Daytime temperatures hit about 30 all year round and lows average around 24.
全年白天气温高达30摄氏度左右,而最低气温则维持在24摄氏度左右。 |
Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the heat radiates back into space.
白天,那里的温度可以达到零上,但因为包裹火星的大气层极为稀薄,热量又会辐射回宇宙中。 |
Daytime, children in Shui Zhongxi water.
白天,孩子们在水中嬉水。 |
Dayuan Group (Canada) Inc. is an Ontario registered corporation, our business scope is mainly focus on business activities between Canada and China including financing; business co-operation liaison; exhibition; education; seminars &training; merchandises
大元集团是1997年在加拿大安省注册的有限责任公司,专门从事国际贸易、展览、培训,促进加中两国经贸交流与合作的国际商务公司。 |
Daze. Creature loses next action.
晕眩术:生物失去下一次的动作。 |
Daze: Defense skill will no longer reduce the chance players have to receive the Daze effect when attacked from behind by enemies.
眩晕:防御技能不再减少玩家被敌人背后攻击造成眩晕的几率。 |
Dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment.
想入非非的因浪漫的感情而迷乱或分神的 |
De Bary abandoned a career in medicine in Frankfurt to devote the rest of his life to his botanical studies, becoming professor of botany at a number of German universities.
它放弃了在法兰克福医学的研究转向植物学的研究,后来成为好几所德国大学的植物学教授。 |
De Bary, Heinrich Anton (1831-88) German botanist.
德国植物学家。 |
De Goey set a new Chelsea record for clean sheets in a season.
德胡耶率领球队在这个赛季里创造了一个新的切尔西记录。 |