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The rate of treatment with antibiotics and oral corticosteroid was still high(97.% and 8.%),but the rate of treatment with corticosteroid inhaler was only 8.%.

The rate of pityriasis alba and acne in males was higher than that in females,and the rate of lichen pilaris,ichthyosis and freckles was higher in females. 单纯糠疹和痤疮患病率男性高于女性,而毛周角化、鱼鳞病和雀斑的患病率则以女性为高。
The rate of remission of pyloric obstruction symptoms was 9.0%(9/0) at six months and 88.9%(8/9) at 8 months, and the rate of recurrence of symptoms was .0%(/0) 、.%(/9), respectively. 扩张后个月、8个月症状缓解率分别为9.0%(9/0)、88.9%(8/9),症状复发率分别为.0%(/0)、.%(/9)。
The rate of spobtaneous balanced translocation heterozygotes was predicted to be .0 × 0-/gamete in background radiation. 预期自发平衡易位配子发生率为.0×0~(-)/配子。
The rate of synapse formation in L transfection group was(8.0±.)%,it was higher than that of non-transfection group( .7±0.8 )%or Mock-transfection group( 9.±0.8)%(P< 0.0). L转染组功能性突触的形成率为(8.0±.)%,也高于非转染组的( .7±0.8 )%或Mock-转染组的( 9.±0.8)%(P<0.00)。
The rate of thoraco abdominal injury is 00%( / ). ? 肝破裂、肺损伤和肋骨骨折的发生率均达 0 0 % ( / ) ;
The rate of treatment with antibiotics and oral corticosteroid was still high(97.% and 8.%),but the rate of treatment with corticosteroid inhaler was only 8.%. 使用抗生素和全身激素比率仍较高,分别是97.%和8.%,而使用吸入型激素比率只占8.%。
The rates of desiring sex contact and experienced hug,caress and sex behavior among boys were .0%,7.0%,.00% and .00%,which were higher than those of girls respectively. 渴望性接触、有拥抱接吻、有爱抚行为及有性行为的男生分别为: .0%、7.0%、.00%、.00%,均高于女生;
The rates of isolation among different species were: .0% (/00) in Rattus nitidus , .8% ( /0) in Rattus flavipectus and .%(/87)in Rattus norvegicus while in R. t. yunnanensis it was negative. 菌株分布于各调查点的鼠种中,大足鼠的分离率为.0%(/00)、黄胸鼠.8%、( /0)、褐家鼠为.%(/87)、斑胸鼠阴性。
The rates of nausea and vomiting were higher in group C than those in group A and B( P <0.0). 与C组比较,A组和B组副作用发生率均显著降低(P<0.0),A组和B组之间无显著性差异(P>0.0)。
The rates of positive ERK- staining in the VSMC of afferent arterioles, interlobular, interlobar and arcuate arteries were 7.09% , . 7% > 9. % and . % , respectively, which were significantly higher than those in the controls (P<0. 0). ERK-在高血压组入球动脉、小叶间动脉、叶间动脉和弓形动脉VSMC中染色阳性率分别为 7.09%、.7%、9.%和 . %,均明显高于对照组(P<0.0);
The rates of testis entering scrotum from abdominal cavity were ( .± .9 )%, ( 8. ± . )% and ( 7.88± .8 )% respectively in Hohhot suburbs, Datate and Zhengxiangbai County. 呼市、达旗、白旗雄性睾丸年平均下降率分别为 ( .± . 9) %、( 8. ± . ) %和 ( 7.88± . 8) %;

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