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But a month is a long time in football. Things have changed with the Biancoceleste making 13 reinforcements following the sale of their big name stars.

But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 林前11:28人应当自己省察、然后吃这饼、喝这杯。
But a marked card will have fewer of its original companions after each new cut-and-mix. 但每洗一次牌,标记扑克牌附近的同副牌就会越来越少。
But a mediator is not a mediator for one, but God is one. 20但中保不是一面的,神却是一位。
But a member of the player's entourage firmly denied the report, saying that Essien had been taken to a police station to provide a blood sample after an inconclusive breathalyser test. 但埃辛身边的一位工作人员坚决否认了这一报道,称酒精测试并未确认结果,埃辛随后被带回警局,提取了血样。
But a missing link has been highlighted by the past week's events in Iran. 但是,上周发生的伊朗事件突显了脱节的危害。
But a month is a long time in football. Things have changed with the Biancoceleste making 13 reinforcements following the sale of their big name stars. 但是对于足球来说,一个月是个很长的时间。在夏天出售了他们的球星之后,他们又引进了13名有实力的球员。
But a mortal dream to see? 但是凡人的梦能看见什么?
But a motor-car has more momentum, and the chances are that it would keep going at the critical speed and influence the driver long enough to make him lose control altogether. 汽车动力更大,它可能继续以这种危险的速度前进,时间长到足够使司机受到影响并丧失自控能力。
But a new flower was growing by the pool, its white petals surrounding a red circle: the Narcissus. 只发现一种新的花儿在池塘边盛开,它那白色的花瓣围绕着红色的圆心:水仙。
But a new study suggests it might help people keep weight off in middle age. 这与骑自行车狂奔不同,不会消耗大量的卡路里,不过,最新的一项研究表明,做瑜伽可以帮助中年人减肥。
But a number of studies have recently challenged this democratic assessment of cortical parcellation in the primate visual system by showing that inputs from the fovea are allocated more cortical territory than those containing peripheral information. 但是近来有几项灵长类视觉系统的研究,对这种以民主方式将皮质分成小块的观点提出了质疑,研究显示,从中央窝输入的讯息,会比周围输入的讯息分配到更多的皮质领地。

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