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In order to represent the six direction shape of the part, according to the national standards, the principle views are the projective views of basic projective planes, putting the part into the three-dimensional box, which six planes as the basic project

In order to relieve employment situation, Shaanxi should keep economy increasing quickly, and keep the basis position of Primary industry, firm the pillar position of Secondary industry, develop tertiary industry actively. 为了缓解就业形势,陕西应在保证国民经济快速增长的同时,保持第一产业的基础地位,巩固第二产业的支柱地位,积极和大力发展第三产业,调整就业结构。
In order to relieve poverty, a great majority of farmers swarm to big cities to look for their fortunes. 为了消灭贫穷,很多农民都蜂拥到大城市碰运气。
In order to relieve these refugees, the Song Dynasty took many relief measures to help them, such as providing relief to the refugees and help them settle down, making these refugees go home, looking after the old, weak, sick and disabled, enlisting refug 为救助这些流民,宋朝采取了对流民进行救济和安置、让流民返还故乡、照顾流民中的老弱病者、招募流民从军入伍等具体救助措施。
In order to remove potentially interfering substances, the sample can be further cleaned on an SPE anion exchange cartridge. 为了消除潜在的干扰物质,可在一个SPE阴离子交换柱上进一步清洗样品。
In order to represent the Jewish victims and themselves to negotiate with the Federal Republic of Germany over the reparations, the Jewish organizations all over the world united to found the Claims Conference successfully in October 1951. 摘要为了代表犹太人受害者和犹太人组织与联邦德国进行赔偿谈判,世界各地的犹太人组织联合建立了“要求赔偿联合会”。
In order to represent the six direction shape of the part, according to the national standards, the principle views are the projective views of basic projective planes, putting the part into the three-dimensional box, which six planes as the basic project 为了表达机件上下、左右、前后的形状,制图标准中规定,以正六面体的六个面作为基本投影面,将机件置于正六面体内,分别向各个基本投影面投射所得的图形称为基本视图。
In order to research coordination between railway and highway transportation in modern logistics, the paper uses DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), takes relevant data of China railway and highway transportation from 1990 to 2004 as input and output indices 摘要为研究铁路与公路运输在现代物流中的协调性,运用数据包络分析方法,以1990-2004年间中国公路、铁路运输的相关数据作为输入和输出指标,并将数据进行标准化和综合化处理,利用DEA模型,用LINGGO编制线性规划求解程序,计算协调发展程度。
In order to research mechanical capability of the reinforced concrete beam with bonding steel plate, adopting separate method to establish finite element model of the reinforced concrete beam with bonding steel plate, using FEM to study dynamical characte 摘要为了研究粘钢加固后钢筋混凝土梁的各种力学性能,采用分离式方法建立了粘钢加固后钢筋混凝土梁的有限元模型,并用有限元方法对此模型先后进行了模态分析和简谐集中载荷作用下的动力响应分析,得出了加固后钢筋混凝土梁的前5阶振动模态和简谐集中动荷载作用下粘钢加固钢筋混凝土梁底部开裂的极限动载荷幅值-频率曲线,可为研究粘钢加固钢筋混凝土梁的各种动力特性提供参考。
In order to research product properties of the cross wedge rolling (CWR), a series of rolling experiments have been carried out on two-roller CWR under the condition of considering the variation of the original diameter, deformation temperature, area redu 摘要为了研究楔横轧条件下工件的性能,在考虑原始棒料直径、变形温度、断面收缩率以及工件轧后热处理状态等的基础上,利用二辊楔横轧机进行了系列楔横轧轧制实验。
In order to research the spatial distribution law of the regional industrial structure, the self organization maps method is used to cluster and analyze the regional data in China 2003. 摘要为了研究地区产业结构的空间分布规律,采用自组织映射的聚类方法,对2003年中国省级地区的产业结构进行了聚类分析。
In order to resolve the above contradiction, the burden of proof was divided into the burden of producing evidence and the burden of persuasion. 为了解决这一矛盾,证明责任开始分化为提供证据责任与说服责任。

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