As a kind of public medium, TV news timely seminating news events to numerous households with its audiovisual effects.
摘要电视新闻作为一种大众传媒,以其独特的视听效果,及时将新闻事件传播到千家万户。 |
As a kind of special industrial raw materials, porous minerals and rocks have been playing more and more important roles in the environmental remediation materials and are arousing great interest among mineralogists.
摘要具有多孔结构的矿物(岩石)作为一类特殊的工业原材料,在环境修复领域的应用前景正在成为研究热点。 |
As a kind of special natural resources, geological relics are regarded as social treasure.
摘要地质遗迹资源是一种特殊的自然资源,是社会的宝贵财富。 |
As a kind of special sound-altering phenomenon, the soft-sounded words in Putonghua become hindrances for people with dialects.
摘要作为一种特有的语流音变现象,普通话轻声词是方言地区的人学习普通话的一个难点。 |
As a kind of systematic epistemologies or a mode of moral beliefs, ideology in fact plays the role of world view and the methodology in the foreign policy of all countries.
摘要作为一种系统的认识论或道德信念模式,意识形态在各国的外交政策中事实上起著世界观和方法论的作用。 |
As a laggard market in 2006, the Korean market has rebounded outperforming the region year-to-date.
尽管在2006年表现落后,韩国市场今年以来强劲反弹,在亚洲表现领先。 |
As a language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.
随着语言的发展,新词出现了,同时也有许多字被废弃不用了。 |
As a large domestic economic management category portal, network management with China business will be hearing, corporate governance materials,resource agencies, management information, expert networkmany services, rich corporate governance resources, ma
作为国内大型经济管理类门户网站,华夏管理网拥有“商务会讯”、“企管教材”、“资源机构”、“管理资讯”、“专家网”等众多服务项目,蕴藏丰富企管资源,网络众多企管精英,具有极强的专业优势和完善的服务体系。 |
As a large horse is getting on in age, why should it always stay in cold and wet ?
当一匹马日渐衰老,它为什么总呆在又湿又冷的地方? |
As a last note, since Python does not comone with interfaces, the zope.interface package provides some interfaces that are implemented by the built-in Python types.
这个调用将在你的控制台里创建类的骨架,它可以帮助你省去大量的输入。 |
As a last resort of the struggle for control, they decided to attack the crystal temples which held the Firmament in place.
作为争夺控制权的斗争的最后一招,他们决定攻击固定冰天的水晶寺庙。 |