All nations will serve him and his son and his grandson until the time for his land comes; then many nations and great kings will subjugate him.
7列国都必服事他和他的儿孙、直到他本国遭报的日期来到.那时多国和大君王、要使他作他们的奴仆。 |
All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami.
所有的自然物体及现象都被认为是纸神。 |
All nature rejoiced, and it was decided that the birds would each take one sunflower seed and that they would fly over every nation and plant the seed in the earth as a gift.
所有的生物都欣喜了并决定由鸟儿一人衔一颗向日葵的种子,飞便所有的国家并洒下种子作为地球的礼物。 |
All nature seemed pregnant with life.
整个大自然似乎充满了活力。 |
All necessary costs and expenses in the prosecution of the case shall be the responsibility of the Client.
在案件诉讼过程中的所有必要费用都应由委托人支付。 |
All necessary work will be conducted free of charge to the customer.
所有这些工作均免费为客户提供。 |
All needle valves must be closed on test kit.
检测组件上的所有针形阀必须关闭。 |
All net surfaces and datum's are to be made from hardened steel and mounted to a separate base whenever possible.
所有网面和基准要由硬化的钢制造出来同时在可能的情况下安在一个单独的基准上。 |
All nets and datum's must be identified.
所有网面和基准必须可被辨认出来的. |
All neurons possess sodium channels that open in response to changes in the voltage across the nerve cell membrane, generating the impulses that relay messages from one neuron to the next.
所有的神经元都拥有钠离子通道,它会随细胞膜电位变化而开启,因而产生动作电位,可将讯息从上个神经元传给下一个。 |
All new Anti-Aliasing core engine technologies.
全新的抗锯齿核心引擎技术。 |